
  • 网络telegraphic transfer
  1. 开证行凭以上提交的汇票和相关单据以电汇方式支付款项。

    The payment shall be effected by the opening bank by telegraphic transfer against presentation to them of the aforesaid draft ( s ) and the relevant documents .

  2. 货款必须在合同签署日后的第5个营业日内,用电汇方式汇入我方在中国银行,中国北京总行的帐户。

    The payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer to the Bank of china , head office , beijing , china , for our account , within five business days after the contract signature date .

  3. 下次我还用电汇方式。

    I 'll use it again next time .

  4. 品质奖罚金额由授奖或受罚方采用电汇方式支付。

    Quality award / punishment shall be paid by relevant party through telegraph money order .

  5. 甲方应以电汇方式按本合同指定的帐户向乙方支付合同有关款项。

    The buyer shall pay for the charges according to the contract by means of T / T remittance .

  6. 考虑到你们过去良好的记录,怀着对未来美好的愿望,我同意用电汇方式付款。

    Considering your good track record and bearing a good wish for the future , I agree to payment by T / T.

  7. 银行以电汇方式支付到__________银行咨询方的帐户上。

    In case of any payment by Client , the payment shall be effected through __________ in China to _________ for the account of Consultant .

  8. 银行挤兑已由储户到银行排队取款的旧形式,升级为新的形式:一旦发现麻烦的苗头,各公司资金主管会立即以电汇方式从货币市场基金撤回资金。

    The old-fashioned bank run , with depositors lining up outside banks to withdraw cash , has been updated to corporate treasurers wiring money from money market funds at any hint of trouble .

  9. 这种情况下他们的之间的交流就可以作为法律文件提供证据。开证行凭以上提交的汇票和相关单据以电汇方式支付款项。

    In this form their communications may be presented as evidence in a court of law . The payment shall be effected by the opening bank by telegraphic transfer against presentation to them of the aforesaid draft ( s ) and the relevant documents .

  10. 很遗憾地通知您,我们不能接受电汇的汇款方式。

    We regret having to inform you that we cannot accept payment by TT .