
  • 网络Newsletter;e-Paper;electronic newspapers;i-paper
  1. 按此浏览ZUJI最新及最齐全的每周优惠电子报样本。

    Click here to view a sample of the ZUJI newsletter packed with full of exclusive promotions and special offers .

  2. 输入您的电邮地址表示您会订阅ZUJI的电子报及同意所有条款及细则。

    By entering your email address it means you subscribe to the ZUJI newsletter and agree to all the terms and conditions .

  3. 由信息产业部所属中国电子报、瑞德电子集团、以及美国国际数据集团(IDG)合作出版。

    The publishing of EDN China combines the resources from three key information providers-Reed Electronics Group , IDG and China Electronics News of CCID .

  4. ICSB透过各种媒介促进全球知识的交流,包括会议、期刊、书籍、电子报及互动网站等。

    Global Knowledge is communicated through a variety of mediums including conferences , journals , books , bulletins , and an interactive website .

  5. 即时更新的电子报可通知会员ICSB的最新动态,并且让足以影响商业活动的实务经验更易于分享。

    Timely bulletins are designed to inform members about ICSB activities and to facilitate the sharing of practical knowledge that can impact business activities .

  6. 还设有电子报E-Catch编辑部、大学生影像工作室等大学生创新基地。

    In order to support student activities , we also set up two innovation platforms , the E-Catch editorial office and the student video production studio .

  7. 安全、嵌入式的电子报订阅取消方式;

    a safe , built-in way to unsubscribe from newsletters ;

  8. 适应异构系统的电子报件系统的设计与实现

    The design and realization of electronic data transfer system for heterogeneous systems

  9. 而今西雅图转向了另一个“前沿”,那就是纯粹的电子报。

    It will now shift to another frontier for newspapers : entirely to the Web .

  10. 将来,电子报可以直接通过网络到达用户的手持终端上。

    In the future , digital newspapers will be sent to portal web terminals through wirelessly .

  11. 电子报版的远程传输是一种新的非话业务。

    This paper described the electronic newspaper page transmission system , which provides a new non-voice service .

  12. 电子报版远程传输系统

    Electronic Newspaper Page Transmission System

  13. 文章分析了报件业务模型,提出了适应异构系统的电子报件系统的体系结构。

    This paper analyzes portfolio model and put up with the system which well fit electronic file-reporting system .

  14. 你可以免费注册一个帐号来获得电子报及参与测验。

    You will be able to sign up for a free account to get newsletters and participate in contests .

  15. 全市公交、地铁系统适时推广中英文电子报站系统。

    Bilingual electronic stop reporting systems shall be promoted at appropriate times among the city 's bus and metro systems .

  16. 「麻省理工开放式课程更新」欢迎您对本电子报与网站的回馈意见与建议。

    " The MIT OpenCourseWare Update " welcomes your feedback and suggestions about this newsletter and the MIT OCW Web site .

  17. 您现在读到这篇文章,可能因为您是乐施会的捐款者、义工、我们倡议项目的支持者,又或是《乐施电子报》的读者。

    You may be reading this message now as a donor , a volunteer , a supporter of our campaigns , or as a reader of O.N.E e-magazine .

  18. 到这一期《乐施电子报》截稿时,我们己知2009年会有另外四个地方首次举办乐施毅行者活动:加拿大、英国、爱尔兰和荷兰。

    As we go to print with this edition of O.N.E , there is news that there will be four more events in2009 : in Canada , England , Ireland , and The Netherlands .

  19. 加强对电子确报信息的管理,可使ATIS信息的应用得到深化。

    The information of the ATIS can be used deeply by means of the enhancing management information of the electronic consist .

  20. 电子确报信息的管理和应用

    Management and application about electronic consist information

  21. 电子地图为报点系统提供一个监控平台,实现列车跟踪定位、地理信息查询、数据回放和运行轨迹描绘等功能。

    Electronic map provides the report system with a monitoring platform for realization of train tracking and positioning , geological information searching , data playback , and train operation track mapping , etc.

  22. 该设计为搭建全国统一的电子票据交易平台给出了一种全新的解决途径。第二,基于上述平台,如何实现的电子票据集中报盘与交易提出了全新的解决思路。

    This design found a new way to build a unified trading platform for electronic paper presents . Second , we put forward new solutions on how e-bills offer and trading ideas based on the above platform .