- 名electric locomotive

It 's Chinese train maker CSR 's biggest single export deal for electric locomotives .
Many railway lines have changed over from steam to electric .
Measurement of the Sliding Surface of the Contact Wire by Means of Semiconductor Laser Interferometry
The electric motor is of great importance and value in transportation , not only because it is used to drive electric cars and electric locomotives , but also because recently it has come to be used to turn the propellers of ships .
In this paper , SVC is adopted to manage harmonics and negative sequences in the power system .
Measurement method of radiated radio interference caused by moving electric locomotive on AC electrified railways
The pantograph-catenary system is the key part of the electric locomotive getting driving power .
Traction load in electric railway is a kind of large-power , single-phrase and nonlinear load .
The electric railways have superiority in high speed , heavy load and energy conservation , so it will be more and more important in our country .
The electrical system is the very important composing part of the electric locomotive . Only working well of the electrical system can assures the locomotive in good station .
Electrical system is an important part of electric locomotives , if the electrical system is not working well , the normal operation of electric locomotives will not be ensured .
The safety is an important guarantee about the quality of railway transportation . The electrical system is the core device of the electric locomotive , in which the fault will affect the normal operation of electric locomotive .
In recent years , with the accelerating of electrified railway construction , electric locomotive is gradually becoming one of the main sources of the harmonic in power system .