
diàn yǐnɡ piào
  • movie ticket
  1. 在中国,一张电影票的价格可介于3美元至16美元之间,IMAX影片属于票价最贵的。

    A movie ticket in China can range from $ 3 to $ 16 , with IMAX screens at the top of the scale .

  2. 百度糯米的设想是成为电影票销售以及打车等服务的中心,将实体和虚拟商务结合成所谓的“O2O”业务,引导用户使用在线支付系统。

    Nuomi is envisioned as a focal point for services such as movie ticket sales and taxi hailing where physical and virtual commerce are combined in what is known as " online-to-offline " business funnelling users to online payments systems .

  3. 人们甚至买不起电影票。

    People can 't even afford to pony up for movie tickets .

  4. 获胜者每人将会获得两张电影票的代金券。

    The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets .

  5. 有关钱包外观和感觉的一切——扣件和材料随着时间的流逝磨损和松动、塑料和纸质钱币及金银、以及手写电话号码和印刷电影票,都与我们日新月异的世界完全不同。

    Everything about the look and feel of a wallet — the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age , the plastic and paper and gold and silver , and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets — is the very opposite of what our world is becoming .

  6. 我昨天买了两张《厉害了,我的国》的电影票。

    I bought two movie tickets to Amazing China yesterday .

  7. 例句抽奖的时候我中了两张电影票,所以我非常开心。

    I won two cinema tickets in the raffle1 , so I am a happy bunny .

  8. 员工涌入办公室,一脸的惊讶。那天下午,Google告诉所有雇员不用上班,给他们发电影票去看《阿凡达》。

    That afternoon Google told all employees to leave and gave them tickets to see Avatar .

  9. 通过ApplePay应用,用户可以购买电影票、预定机票,还可享受送餐服务。

    The payment service can also be used to buy movie tickets , book airplane tickets and food delivery via mobile phone apps .

  10. 基于J2ME平台的电影票预订系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Film Ticket Booking System Based on J2ME

  11. 他们懒得读报纸、从不买CD或使用黄页指南,除了音乐会和电影票,他们一般会尽量不为其他任何东西付钱。

    They cannot be bothered to read a newspaper , never buy CDs or use yellow pages directories , and generally try to avoid paying for anything other than concerts and cinema tickets .

  12. 与此同时,上海的“黄牛”为IMAX版电影票喊出了600元的高价。

    Meanwhile , illegal tickets traders asked as much as600 yuan for the IMAX version in Shanghai .

  13. 并购前,Siri上能联系到很多电商,用户可以用软件订电影票,叫外卖等。

    Prior to the acquisition , Siri integrated with a number of e-commerce providers , ranging from movie tickets to food orders .

  14. 支付宝是中国当下最热门的在线支付系统,人们用它支付淘宝(Taobao)上的订单,缴纳物业费,购买电影票,还可在其他购物网站上消费。

    Alipay is China 's most popular online payment system used for online purchases including Taobao orders , paying utility bills , movie tickets , and other shopping sites .

  15. 沃达丰(Vodafone)推出了一项服务,让城市用户可以通过语音和手机按键来购买电影票等商品。

    Vodafone has introduced a service allowing urban consumers to make purchases such as film tickets , using voice and the keypads of their phones .

  16. 这家影院的经理对国营媒体国际在线说,影院每天放映五场3DIMAX版《阿凡达》,电影票通常提前一天售罄。

    The theater 's manager told Chinese state-run broadcaster CRI Online that the theater shows the3D IMAX version of Avatar five times a day , and that tickets are generally sold out a day in advance .

  17. 只要你有学校的ID,你就能在吃饭、电影票、音乐会门票和衣服上打折。无论如何,如果你打箅在这些方面花钱的话,你还不如尝试打折。

    You can get discounts on meals , movie tickets , concert tickets , and clothing just for having a college ID , If you 're going to spend money on these things anyway , you might as well try to get a discount

  18. 百度的地图应用可以让用户约优步(Uber)平台上的车,预定餐厅或酒店,订餐,买电影票,还可以找到所在位置附近几乎所有类型的商铺。

    Baidu 's mapping app lets users order an Uber , reserve a restaurant or hotel , order in food , buy movie tickets and find just about any type of store nearby .

  19. 在上海,想买到一张《阿凡达》IMAX电影票意味着要在严寒中整夜守候,买到的还是三天后的场次。

    In Shanghai , coach outlet , to get an IMAX ticket for Avatar can mean waiting in freezing weather all night for a show three days later .

  20. 更新后的hotmail能让你在电子邮件用户端网上冲浪,这一功能叫做activeviews,这一功能使你能在收件箱里访问网站,安排行程,预定电影票。

    An update to hotmail lets you surf the web from inside your email client . This feature is called active views , it lets you visit websites and perform functions like booking travel , ordering movies on netflicks from inside your email massages .

  21. 它提到了标的池中最大一笔的贷款加州buenapark镇某购物中心的抵押贷款,称该商场摊位空置率过高,商场内影院的电影票销量持续下滑。

    It singled out the largest loan in the underlying pool , a mortgage on a retail Park in Buena Park , California , saying it had too many vacant lots and the cinema there was suffering declining ticket sales .

  22. 坦率的来讲,其它报道则很奇怪:有人声称经济危机刺激了蛋糕、木制墓碑、伦敦西区音乐剧和《妈妈咪呀》(mammamia)电影票的销售。

    Other stories are frankly bizarre : the crunch is alleged to have given a fillip to sales of cake , wooden " gravestones " , West End musicals and tickets to see the film Mamma Mia !

  23. 该公司正奉行一个混合战略,为客户提供从电影票销售到电影下载即拥有(download-to-own)的所有服务。

    It is pursuing a hybrid strategy , offering its customers everything from cinema ticket sales to download-to-own films .

  24. 电影票通常成本之间的usd2和usd15,这取决于您身在何处国家和多久的电影已被释放。

    Movie tickets usually cost between USD2 and USD15 , depending on where you are in the country and how long the movie has been released .

  25. 目前其演示的功能包括呼叫优步专车,通过FTD去购买鲜花,通过一系列其他服务去买票,提供如某时段电影票售罄时的解决方案等在内的智能情景响应服务。

    Demonstrated tasks include ordering a car from Uber , buying flowers from FTD , and ordering tickets from a variety of services , and offer intelligent , contextual responses , such as alternatives when a showtime for a movie is sold out .

  26. 电影票可能在你的一个口袋里。

    Maybe the film ticket is in one of your tickets .

  27. 中国电影院的周末电影票售价大约为80元。

    Tickets to Chinese cinemas are costly-about 80 yuan at weekends .

  28. 票房大幅提高的部分原因是电影票提价。

    Part of the jump is down to increased ticket prices .

  29. 还有,电影票一般都很贵。

    What 's more , the film ticket is always pricey .

  30. 这部电影票真难买。

    It 's been hard to get tickets for this movie .