
  • 网络capacitive resistance
  1. 介绍了化学镀镍和镍/金技术以及镍磷层的电学性能,综述了其在倒装芯片凸焊点的UBM、印刷电路板和电感电容电阻LCR元件生产上的应用。

    The technologies of electroless Ni Ni / Au plating and the electric properties of Ni / P cladding are presented . Their applications for under bump metallurgy ( UBM ) for flip chip bumping , PC boards and LCRs are reviewed .

  2. 以摄像头,传感器,电容电阻作为基础设备的多点触控设备应运而生。

    Devices based on cameras , sensors , capacitors and resistance appeared .

  3. 电容电阻复合成像系统硬件研究

    Research on the Hardware of the Capacitance-Resistance Tomography Compound System

  4. 电容电阻复合成像系统是以上两项技术的融合。

    The capacitance-resistance tomography compound system is the integration of the two technologies .

  5. 提出并实现了一种电容电阻复合成像系统的硬件结构。

    The structure of the circuit of the tomography compound system is worked out .

  6. 一种新颖的小型宽阻带电磁带隙结构高稳定度振荡器带电容电阻耦合器

    A Novel Compact Wide Stopband Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure high stability oscillator with resistance-capacitance coupling

  7. 提出了一种用于电容电阻复合式成象系统的转换电路。

    A kind of converting circuit for capacitance-resistance compound tomography system is proposed in paper .

  8. 耦合谐振带通滤波器带外特征及应用高稳定度振荡器带电容电阻耦合器

    Outside-band Character and Application of Coupling and Resonance Band-pass Filter high stability oscillator with resistance-capacitance coupling

  9. Wanlass电动机的电磁分析与节能研究电容电阻复合成像系统敏感场特性分析及重建研究

    Study of Electromagnetic Characteristic of Sensitive Field and Image Reconstruction for Electrical Capacitance-Resistance Tomography Compound System

  10. 规定的振荡器是一个由电容电阻运放器组成的临时凑合的振荡器。

    The prescribed oscillator is a " quick and dirty " oscillator built using capacitors , resistors .

  11. 通过对电路转换原理的理论分析和实验结果表明,该电路适用于电容电阻复合式成象系统。

    Theoretic analysis and experimental results have shown that the circuit was fit for capacitance-resistance compound tomography system .

  12. 对压控振荡器在毫米波频段进行电感、缓冲级、寄生电容电阻的优化设计。

    This article optimized the inductor , the parasitic capacitance and resistance , and buffer amplifier for voltage controlled oscillator ( VCO ) especially in millimeter-wave band .

  13. 实验发现,降雨通过林冠的穿透过程线、树干径流过程线与电感电容电阻串联电路暂态过程线极为相似。

    It is found through analysis that the throughfall and stemflow processes in canopy bear a strong resemblance to the transient course of series connection circuit of inductance capacitance and resistance .

  14. 结果表明,在换能器不同振动模态下,等效并联电容电阻并非恒定值,而且实际支承工况下换能器系统工作时存在负阻尼效应。

    The result shows , under different vibration mode , equivalent parallel capacitance and resistance are not constant value . There is negative damp effect in transducer system at the operating mode .

  15. 煮糖生产过程的自动控制系统的关键在于糖分浓度、流量的实时精确计量,电容电阻复合成像系统可以实现在线实时显示罐内的糖结晶情况,对多组分的糖水能很好地测量浓度。

    The key of automatic control system in sugar production is accurate measurement of the density and flow rate of sugar aqua . The electrical capacitance - resistance tomography compound system can provide visualizing information in sugar-boiling bottle online .

  16. 因此采用全CMOS数字电路分别实现电容和电阻的脉冲宽度调制&脉冲位置调制,获得表征被测信息的脉冲位置信号,再进行电复合和光脉冲发射。

    The probe uses complete CMOS circuit to realize pulse-width modulation to pulse-position modulation of differential capacitance and thermistor .

  17. 公司经营的产品包括贴片二三极管、电容、电阻、钽电容、电感器、IC集成电路等系列。

    YINGXINYUAN devotes to the market development on electronic components such as diodes , triodes , capacitors , resistors , inductors and IC parts .

  18. InP衬底上电容和电阻的建模

    Modeling of InP-Based Capacitors and Resistors

  19. 随机位置电容和电阻构成的大型RC网络可以仿真两相材料(金属-绝缘体)的显微结构。

    Very large networks of randomly positioned resistors and capacitors have been used to simulate the microstructures of real two-phase ( conductor-insulator ) materials .

  20. 由于模拟式的仿真遇到电容漏电阻及其电容量的限制,要达到1h以上的实时仿真是比较困难的。

    Because of the restriction of capacitor leakage resistance and its capacitance , a real-time simulation exceeding one hour is hardly reached .

  21. 该文提出了InP衬底上MIM电容和电阻的简单而精确的等效电路模型。

    Simple and accurate equivalent circuit models for InP-based MIM capacitor and resistor have been developed in this paper .

  22. ZL5型智能LCR测量仪是具有标准IEEE-488接口的电感、电容和电阻测量仪器。

    ZL5-type Intelligent LCR Measure Instrument is an intelligent instrument measuring inductance , capacitance and resistance with IEEE-488 interface .

  23. 其中只要测电容和电阻两端峰值电压、测流过电容的最大电流、电容电压的变化率、测电容上电流和电压的相位差或测LC谐振频率都可以得到电容的容量。

    Capacitor 's capacity can be measured by resistance value , volt top-top value between capacitor , the biggest capacitor 's electric current value and the smallest volt changing-ratio , phase difference or LC resonance frequency .

  24. 该滤波器设计方法原理简明,建立模型容易,给出的开关电容模拟电阻的SPICE模型也非常理想,适合于高通、带通、陷波等各种滤波器的设计与仿真。

    The proposed method is simple and easy for model building . The ideal and useful SPICE model of equivalent resistance using switched capacitor can be used for designing high pass , band pass , band reject and other filter circuits .

  25. 本文还通过串并联电容和电阻的方式,对着三款天线分别进行了阻抗匹配,使得在13.56MHz处回波损耗达到最小,并且都达到了很好的匹配效果。

    This thesis also through the parallel capacitor and resistor way , to the three paragraphs antenna , the impedance matching is made in 13.56 MHz place return loss minimum , and reached the very good matching effect .

  26. 复合式成象系统用电容(电阻)/电压转换电路

    Study of capacitance ( resistance ) / voltage converting circuit for compound tomography

  27. 我司专营贴片电容,电阻,电感,磁珠,钽电容,铝电解电容及插件类电解电容。

    We are professional of MLCC , Resistor , Inductor , Tantalum cap , Beads , Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors .

  28. 结果表明,随着电激励信号频率的增大,果品的电容、电阻以及损耗角正切值均减小;

    The test results indicate that with the increase of frequency , the capacitance , resistance and losses tangent decrease .

  29. 对机电接口模型中的电容、电阻详细地进行了理论分析,指出杂散电容和电阻与有用信号之间的关系。

    Capacitance and resistance are theoretically analyzed , and the relationships among capacitance , resistance and useful signals have been achieved .

  30. 异步电机阻容制动中电容和电阻元件的选择三相异步电动机阻容制动瞬态过程仿真研究

    Selection of the Resistor and Capacitor for Dynamic Braking of Asychronous Machines Transient Simulation of Induction Motors Under Resistance-Capacitance Braking State