
  • 网络electronic settlement;electronic clearing
  1. 电子结算中心,实现了商户之间“一卡通”电子交易。

    Electronic Clearing Centre has realized the business with the " One Card " between business dealers .

  2. 在巴格达国有银行Rafidian的主要分行,伊拉克的第一个电子结算系统已经开始运行。该银行是伊拉克贷款总额最多的。

    Iraq 's first electronic clearing system has begun to function in Baghdad 's main branch of the Rafidain Bank , Iraq 's largest lender , which is owned by the state .

  3. 利用UML开发企业电子结算系统

    Developing Enterprise Electronic Settlement System with UML

  4. 我单位以POS机刷卡的电子结算方式,代替现金结算的实践,至今三年有余,取得了良好的效果,工作效率大大提高,减少了支付结算时间,减少了支付转移差错;

    The practice to use POS instead of cash settlement has more than three years , and achieved good results .

  5. 将UML应用于电子结算信息系统的建设,通过静态和动态系统分析,以及多角度的系统描述,能加速开发进程,方便地集成现有信息系统资源。

    This paper uses UML in the electronic settlement system , through static and dynamic system analyses and many views description , can quicken the development process and integrate existing resources of information system conveniently .

  6. 农产品批发市场电子结算系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of agricultural product wholesale market E-balance system

  7. 电子结算是在因特网上购物的一种电子支付手段。

    Electronic settlement is a method of electronically paying for purchases on the Internet .

  8. 电子结算在金融中的应用解析

    The Applied Analysis of ECG in Finance

  9. 电子结算作为一种新兴的在线资金交换方式,解决了人们跨地域经济活动的关键问题。

    As a new way of online money exchange , ECG help to solve many important issues in cross-area economic activities .

  10. 财务公司作为一个非银行金融机构,风险管理是永远的主题,因此在本文的最后,作者结合资产风险管理思想对电子结算系统的风险进行了初步的分析。

    The financial company , as a non-banking financial institution , risk management is an eternal theme , so end in this paper , author combine assets risk management thought to analysis electronically settlement risk preliminary .

  11. 本文还对烟叶收购系统中人力资源、电子结算系统软件、电子设备、及电力保障设备进行了实地调查,从而对烟叶收购电子结算系统实行的可行性进行了分析。

    This paper also through investigation on-the-spot to research the tobacco acquisition system of human resources , the software of electronic settlement system , the electronic equipment , and power protection equipment , analyzes the implementation feasibility of the tobacco e-settlement system .

  12. 农副产品批发电子交易结算系统(STA)在系统结构上采用整体设计、多子系统实现的灵活方式。

    Agricultural and sideline products wholesale electronic trading settlement system ( STA ) utilizes the overall design in the system structure , and multi-subsystem operations in a flexible manner .

  13. 作为电子支付结算方式的主要载体,信用卡得到了广泛应用。

    Electronic payment as the main carrier settlement , the credit card has been widely used .

  14. 电子化结算能简化你绝大部分支付程序。

    You 'll be able to streamline most of the process by billing your customers electronically .

  15. 如电子消费结算设备、门禁系统、电子商务等,自动指纹身份识别系统都发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    AFIS plays a more important role in electronic consumption , safety dependence , and e-commerce system etc.

  16. 电子货币支付结算已成为联结网络商户交易的纽带,是商品或服务交易完成的必经环节,直接影响税收的实现过程和征收管理。

    Electronic currency payment and settlement has become the network link , and also is an inevitable part of commodity or service , directly influences the realization process and collection and management of tax .

  17. 计算机、网络和通信技术日新月异的发展和融合,架构于互联网网络的、以交易双方为主体、以银行电子支付与结算为手段、以客户数据为依托的商务模式&电子商务得以迅猛发展。

    The quick development and amalgamation of computer , Internet and communication technology make E-commerce operating on Internet fast develop . E-commerce with the subject of two parties to the transaction operates by means of electronic payment and balancing of bank .

  18. 一个全国性的电子货币系统如同结算卡系统那样运行。

    A national electronic-money system would operate as a debit-card system .

  19. 为使货币发行局制度有效运作,负责运作的机构必须同时也是管理电子化银行同业结算系统的机构。

    For the effective operation of currency board arrangements , the organisation responsible for running the system has to manage the electronic interbank clearing system as well .

  20. 认证体系主要以注册管理中心初始化和用户注册、申请电子话费、接入服务、电子话费结算为主要环节。

    The certification system set the register management center initialization and user registration , the application of electronic fees , access services , and electronic fee clearing as the main link .

  21. 电子货币是正被发展成为下一代的电子结算手段。

    Electronic money is being developed as a next-generation method of electronic settlement .

  22. 主要内容包括:电子商情广告;电子选购和交易、电子交易凭证的交换;电子支付与结算以及售后的网上服务等。

    Main contents includes : electronic business advertising , Choose and electronic trading , electronic trade voucher exchange , Electronic payment and settlement and after-sales services such as online .