
  • 网络Voltage error;voltage deviation;load regulation;VOLTAGE TOLERANCE;TMx-TM
  1. 仿真结果表明:输出电压误差小于±2%,典型工作模式下噪声仅为25μVrms。

    The results of simulation indicate that the accuracy of chip is excellent and the output voltage tolerance lower than 2 % . The noise is only 25 μ Vrms in the typical condition .

  2. 最初的控制方式是按发电机端电压误差来实现的所谓比例调节和比例-微分-积分调节方式。

    Initial control mode was so-called proportion regulation and PID regulation which are implemented according to generator terminal voltage deviation .

  3. UPS电源逆变器输出电压误差与旁路控制

    Inverter Voltage Error and Bypass Control of Uninterruptible Power Supply

  4. 一种SPWM控制的多电平逆变器电压误差补偿策略

    A Voltage-Error Compensation Strategy for Multi-level Inverter based on SPWM Control

  5. 具有定子电压误差补偿的MRAS磁链观测器

    The MRAS Flux Observer with Stator Voltage Error Compensator

  6. 在计及发电机角速度误差信号和机端电压误差信号的目标函数基础上,PID参数用ITAE法对以变量Δω设计的控制器进行优化,改善了机端电压的品质。

    The parameters of the controller is optimized using the ITAE function and the stability of generator terminal voltage is improved .

  7. 该方案先对输出电压误差进行PI调节,在此基础上引入相当于输出电压微分的电容电流反馈信号构成双环控制,使逆变器输出电压具有良好的静态特性和动态特性。

    In this control scheme , the voltage error is processed by PI algorithms first , and then the current of the capacitor which equal to the differential of the voltage is imported to compose a two-loop control .

  8. 输出电压误差小于20mV。

    The Output voltage error is less than 20mV .

  9. 异步电机驱动系统中,模型参考自适应(MRAS)无速度传感器矢量控制方法的应用,在低速范围受到定子电压误差的影响。

    The MRAS ( model reference adaptive system ) speed sensor-less vector control has been widely studied in induction motor system . But its low speed range is easy affected by the stator voltage error , especially when the motor is connected to the voltage inverter .

  10. 通过1372s的FUDS实验验证,两个模型最大电压误差分别为电池组额定电压的1.02%和1.39%,精度满足电动汽车系统仿真要求。

    The 1 372s FUDS test results show that the maximum voltage error of these two models are 1.02 % and 1.39 % of battery pack rated voltage respectively , meeting the accuracy requirements of electric vehicle simulation .

  11. 输出电压误差率为04%。

    The output voltage error is 0.4 % .

  12. 实验结果表明,其测量电压误差降为0.92%。

    The experiments demonstrate that measuring error is reduced to 0 . 92 % .

  13. 首先分析了杂散电容对互感器稳态下电压误差的影响。

    Firstly , the paper analyses stray capacity impact on the CVT , under steady-state .

  14. 从传递方程也注意到基准电压误差对较高输入电压转换器的结果影响更大。

    You will also notice from the transfer function that the reference errors have more influence on the converter results with higher input voltages .

  15. 在平均电流控制系统中,围绕乘法器给出了参考正弦波发生电路、电压误差放大器、电流误差放大器等参数设计。

    In the average current control system , the parameters of input voltage sensing circuit , voltage error amplifier and current error amplifier are designed .

  16. 从投影显示系统典型的动态聚焦方法与投影管特殊的荧光屏结构以及光学处理等方面对投影显示系统的动态聚焦电压误差进行研究。

    Dynamic focus voltage error of projection display system was studied in this article . Parabola dynamic focus method , projection tube shape and optics processing were analyzed .

  17. 根据此模型用两分法进行了系统仿真,给出了接地电阻及测量电压误差对测距的影响。

    Based on this model , we carry on the system imitation by dichotomy , the influence of measuring distance by the grounded resistance and measuring voltage error is given .

  18. 为便于模拟,在建立模型时,只对主要功能模块:电压误差放大器、电流误差放大器、定预脉宽调制器进行建模。

    When we build the model of the circuit , I just build the main function models of the circuit , such as soft startup circuit , concussive circuit , voltage error amplifier , current error amplifier and so on .

  19. 整流侧和逆变侧分别提取直流线路电流、电压误差及其变化率作为模糊控制器的输入,输出作为神经网络的输入,分别控制电流和电压的控制角。

    The rectifier and inverter correspondingly select the current and voltage of the DC line nearby their converter and rate ratio as input signals of fuzzy control , the output of fuzzy part as one of the input signals of neural-network .

  20. 研究了电磁感应线圈在信号采集电路中,积分电路的时间常数大小对被测电流在积分电路上的电压误差的影响,并根据所要求的电压误差给出了可选用的时间常数。

    For electromagnetic induction coil in signal sampling circuit , the time constant of integrating circuit how to affect voltage deviation of current to be measured in integrating circuit was studied , the optional time constant for required voltage deviation was also given .

  21. 关于高电压测量误差问题的探讨

    Research and Discussion on the Problems about High Voltage Measurement Error

  22. 整流电路输出电压的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Output Voltage in Rectified Circuits

  23. 离散化的复数电压测量误差跟踪修正技术。

    The error tracking correction technique of digital disperse complex number voltage measure .

  24. 干电池开路电压测量误差的分析

    Analysis of Dry Battery Open Circuit Voltage Measurement Error

  25. 大占空比脉冲电压测量误差分析及技术改进

    Analysis of the Measurement Error of Big Space Rate Pulse Voltage and Technical Innovation

  26. 但是短线路在两相短路时,由于测量电压的误差会放大,可能引起距离保护的超越。

    Because the voltage measuring error increases when phase to phase short circuit occurs , distance relay protection will act improperly .

  27. 推导了短线路两相短路时电压测量误差的计算公式,分析了该误差对距离保护的影响。

    A formula of voltage measuring error calculation is derived form phase to short circuit , and its influence on distance relay protection is analyzed .

  28. 它们用于提高放大电路的增益和实现输出阻抗匹配,提高电流复制精度,减小电压增益误差。

    They are used to enhance the gain of amplifier and realize the impedance matching , improve the current copying precision , decrease the tolerance of voltage gain .

  29. 进而对剩余的关键参数利用单纯形法进行优化辨识,使得两种软件的输出曲线(有功功率、无功功率、风机机端电压)误差达到最小。

    Then the rest of key parameters can be figured out by simplex method optimization , leading to a minimum error between two software output curves including active power , reactive power and terminal voltage of the wind generator .

  30. 这种方法基于空间矢量理论确定与参考电压矢量误差最小的电压矢量,它能够在接近基频的开关频率下输出接近正弦波的电压。

    The proposed strategy generates a voltage vector across the load with minimum error with respect to the sinusoidal reference based on the space vector theory . In addition , it generates almost sinusoidal voltages with nearly fundamental switching frequency .