
diàn dònɡ dǎ zì jī
  • electric typewriter
  1. 我们没有电脑(死了心吧),只好最近买了台电动打字机。

    We don 't have a computer ( perish the thought ) and have only recently bought an electric typewriter .

  2. 你很快就会习惯电动打字机。

    You just can get accustomed to the electric typewriter fast very much .

  3. 例如,伦敦设计博物馆展示了一批批量生产的展品,包括电动打字机和一组意大利鱼缸。

    London ' s Design Museum , for example , shows a collection of mass-produced exhibits from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins .

  4. 有一次,为了筹集一些现金,乔布斯决定卖掉自己的IBM电动打字机。

    In order to raise some cash one day , Jobs decided to sell his IBM Selectric typewriter .

  5. 当时,IBM的电脑被用于运行航空订票系统,而该公司的Selectric电动打字机才刚刚问世。

    IBM computers were being used to run airline reservation systems . Its Selectric typewriter had just been introduced .

  6. 我们办公室有一台微机和两台电动打字机。

    We 've got one micro and two electric typewriters m our office .

  7. 电动打字机打这封信的。

    I did the letter on my electric typewriter .

  8. 我们已将所有电动打字机售完。

    We have sold out of electronic typewriters .

  9. 20世纪50年代,电动打字机才刚刚问世。

    It was the 1950s , and the electric typewriter had just been introduced .

  10. 她现在用电动打字机吗?

    Does she use an electric typewriter ?

  11. 我用的是六年前花129美元买来的电动打字机。

    I use an electric typewriter that I paid a hundred and twenty nine dollars for six years ago .

  12. 不久之前各大学要求每位学生拥有一台电动打字机。

    We were thinking today that it wasn 't that long ago when colleges required every student to have an electric typewriter .

  13. 还有,上星期我的舌头被卷进电动打字机的滚轮,这叫我怎么还能相信上帝?

    And how can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter ?

  14. 照相排版(字)机员这些机器之一的操作者打字排字:用电动打字机作排字的方法。

    The operator of one of these machines . Strike-on composition : Typesetting with an electric typewriter . Also called Impact composition . Typewriter composition .

  15. 打字排字:用电动打字机作排字的方法。微型排爆排险机器人的机械结构设计

    Strike-on composition : Typesetting with an electric typewriter . Also called Impact composition . Typewriter composition . Mechanical structure design of minityped explosive and danger disposal robot

  16. 电传打字机看上去就像一台电动的打字机。

    The teletype machine looks like an electric typewriter .

  17. 窗前那架华文打字机前坐着年青的打字员,机声匀整地响着。电传打字机看上去就像一台电动的打字机。

    At a desk under the window sat a young typist tapping steadily away at a Chinese typewriter . The teletype machine looks like an electric typewriter .

  18. 电动打字机电传打字机LPG电喷发动机空燃比传输特性的分析

    Analysis on the Transportation Characteristics of Air Fuel Ratio of Electronic Controlled LPG Engine

  19. 电动打字机电传打字机造纸机分部传动多电机同步控制系统研究

    Research on Section-drive Multi-motor Synchronous Control System of Paper Machine