- 名electrodynamics

The first complete quantum field theory , quantum electrodynamics , provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction .
Power Electronics Technology is an interdisciplinary subject composed by electronics , electrodynamics , and control theory .
The full apparatus of quantum field theory is often unnecessary for describing electrodynamic systems .
The systems of acquisition of data and control of radial distances for experiments of heavy-ion microdosimetry are presented .
The electromechanical models of the tunable filter based on microstructure are built . They include the beam model , the plate model and the step-up support model .
However , due to the complexity , dispersion and randomness of the load itself , the research of the load modeling is always a difficult problem in power field .
As the foundation of electrical informatics , any decision making process for power system operation can be regarded as a generalized information reconstruction .
With the help of ADAMS / Rail and MATLAB / Simulink , based on one electric locomotive , this thesis built a virtual prototype model of the electric locomotive , including multi-body dynamics system , wheel-rail system , power traction drive system and control system .