- 名Jia Yin;51st year of the Sexagenary Cycle

The Culture Conservatism Thought of " Jiayin Weekly " ( 1925-1927 );
Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine
Chapter Four , Zhang 's journalism practice in " Jia Yin Monthly " is the chief subject .
Zhang Shi Zhao ' Philosophy in the Period of Jia Yin ( The Tiger )── the theory of Harmony
Zhang Shi-zhao started a monthly magazine " Jia Yin "( Tne Tiger ) in Tokyo in May 1914 , in which he put forward a systematic theory of criticizing autocracy .
On WEI Bo-yang s Yue-ti-na-jia theory and its impact on YU Fan s I Ching learning ; Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine
The following is the abstract : From chapter one to chapter five , Zhang Shi-zhao 's journalism practice , from " Su Bao Newspaper " to " Jia Tin Weekly ", covering nearly 30 years , is centralized adopted .
There are close historical relations between Xin Qing Nian , which was founded on 15 September 1915 and Jia Yin , reflected in these aspects : editor in chief , contributors , purpose of the Journal , columns and its style etc.
This part , taking as cases the School of Jia Yin and the School of Xue Heng , analyzes the rhetorical devices of " new / old " and " life / death " and their influence on the transformation of literary theory .