
  • 网络User Requirement;User Need;URs;User Story
  1. 依照客户的用户需求或技术参数表,审核设计图纸。

    Review the design drawing according to customer 's URS or technical specifications .

  2. 用户需求多变性和开发运行环境的变化对mis系统的可扩展性提出更高的要求。

    NET . More requests on expansibility for MIS are brought forward because of user requirement levity and development environment levity .

  3. 然而,已有的基于关键字的Web服务发现不能完全满足用户需求。

    However , the existing keyword-based Web service discovery can not completely meet the customer needs .

  4. 论文以用户需求分析为基础,设计了Web检索应用的流程。

    This thesis designs the Web search application flow based on the analysis of clients ' demand .

  5. 自动化服务组合是指当不存在能满足用户需求的单个服务情况下,系统可以自动化地产生满足用户需求的组合web服务。

    And the automatic service composition refers to the automatic generation of the composite service to meet the user ' demand .

  6. QoS保证的资源竞争与用户需求策略研究

    Resource Competition and User Requirement Policy Study for QoS Guarantee

  7. 从用户需求看Dialog的多文档查询与检索

    View the Searching of Multiple Files in Dialog Service from User Demand

  8. 如何动态地选择出最适合用户需求的Web服务正在引起研究领域的关注。

    How to dynamically select web services that can best meet the requirements of consumers is an ongoing research direction in web service community .

  9. 如何动态选择、绑定并调用最适合用户需求的Web服务仍然是急需解决的问题之一。

    A challenge issue is how to dynamically select , bind and invoke Web service that can best meet the requirements of service consumer .

  10. 本研究突出了在web邮件系统交互设计中用户需求的重要性,并进一步将用户需求归纳为可用性需求和用户体验需求。

    This thesis emphasizes the importance of user needs in email system design , and classifies all user needs into two categories : usability need and experience need .

  11. 基于QFD的网站用户需求分析

    The analysis of web site customer requirements based on QFD

  12. 文档选择算法新的实现改善了另一种Web信息搜集方法――元搜索的表现,使它能从众多搜索结果中选出最符合用户需求的文档。

    The new realization of Document Selection Algorithm improves the performance of another Web information search method-Meta Search , making it capable of finding the most useful material from numerous search results for user .

  13. 随着通信技术的发展,简单的语音业务已经无法满足用户需求,越来越多的IMS数据业务投入开发和使用。

    With the development of communication technology , simple voice service cannot meet the requirements of customers .

  14. 最后,基于XML对制造资源进行了描述。(3)研究了面向用户需求的网络化协同制造资源发现与检索。

    At last , the resource was described by eXtensible Markup Language . Thirdly , the customer-demand-oriented discovery and search of networked cooperative manufacturing resources ( NCMR ) are studied .

  15. 采用了UML中的相应方法建立起油气藏动态分析软件开发中的用户需求视图,功能视图,信息视图,在此基础上构造系统的构件视图。

    Correspond methods are used to establish the user requirement view , function view , information view in the development of performance analysis software system .

  16. 以某型装甲车辆为例,运用AHP法确定用户需求,并计算相对重要度。

    Taking a certain armored car as example , the AHP method is used to certain user demand and to calculate relative important degree .

  17. 面向用户需求,精简了TCP/IP协议,完成了IP、ICMP(互联网控制报文协议)和TCP协议的软件设计。

    The TCP / IP protocols is condensed in the light of user requirement , accordingly , the software design of protocols is implemented .

  18. 面对这种现状,此次项目开发就是针对用户需求实现一个整体的集中式的SDH传输网运营支撑系统。

    According to this problem , the project brings forward a uniform centralized management system of SDH transmission network of province level .

  19. 本设计依据用户需求和实际通信资源状况,提出了铁路专用数据网一体化解决方案,利用MPLSVPN技术为用户提供优质网络承载服务,并应用于铁路信息化实际建设中。

    Using the MPLS VPN technology to provide high-quality service network to the users and applied in the actual construction of railway informatization .

  20. Stone方法是一种面向模块化的设计方法,在建立产品功能结构时充分考虑用户需求。

    Stone method is a kind of design method , which is faced to Modular design , it fully considers the user 's demands while setting up function structure of product .

  21. 要主动开展以IPTV为主的视频业务,通过IPTV等视频业务培育市场和满足用户需求;

    Actively launch video services while giving priority to IPTV , in order to foster the market and satisfy user 's demands ;

  22. 在开发和集成Ajaxs应用程序时,对于更好的任务管理的潜在用户需求对项目团队中的开发人员以及其他成员提出了一个新的挑战。

    Potential users'demand for better management of tasks when developing and integrating Ajax applications presents a challenge for the developers and other members of a project team .

  23. 质量功能配置(QFD)对满足用户需求的产品概念设计提供了一种切实可行的方法。

    QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) provides an effective method for product concept design to meet requirements of customers .

  24. 在对用户需求进行分析和讨论的基础上,运用Socket和Windows系统的钩子技术,实现了控制端对远程安装情况的实时控制。

    On the basis of analyzing and discussing the requirement of the customers , it adopts the technologies of Socket and Windows Hook to realize the real-time control of the installation status .

  25. 为检验Web服务组合的实现与用户需求的一致性,在开互模拟形式化理论和检验工具的基础上,提出了一个自动化检验方法。

    In order to check the congruence between the user 's demand and implementation of Web Services combination , an auto-checking method was proposed in this paper . It was based on the knowledge of open π - bisimulation and checking tools .

  26. 主动配电网是具备组合控制各种分布式能源(DistributedGeneration,DG)能力的配电网络,通过主动控制和主动管理将电源和用户需求有效连接起来。

    Active distribution network ( ADN ) refers to distribution network having the ability of combinable controlling various distributed energy resources , and effectively connects generation with consumers ' need through active controlling and management .

  27. 本文将UML应用于高校教务管理信息系统的用户需求分析、系统分析、系统设计和系统实现的全过程。

    The Paper focuses on UML , which is applied in each stage of the system development including the demand analysis , the system analysis , the system design and the system realization .

  28. 同时可以加载SWRL所编写的规则,进一步获得满足用户需求的结果。

    Meanwhile SWRL rules could be loaded to meet further the needs of the user .

  29. 然后根据用户需求,功能设计和系统运行模式的分析,阐述了如何将基于案例推理(CBR)方法应用轧机故障诊断系统的研究、设计和开发。

    And then , according to users demands , function design and system mode , expatiate how to application CBR to research , design and empolder of rolling mill fault diagnosis system .

  30. 在用户需求量不断增大的移动电子商务方面系统采用J2ME平台与Web服务技术相结合实现了用户通过移动终端对其购物订单的状态的查询,给电子商务带来新的应用体验。

    With the increasing need of mobile-commerce , the system combines J2ME platform and Web Service technology and make it possible that the customer can inquiry the status of his order with mobile terminals , which brings a whole-new application experience .