
xiǎnɡ yìnɡ shí jiān
  • response time
  1. 基于用户视角的组合Web服务响应时间优化

    Response Time Optimization of Composite Web Services from the Perspective of Users

  2. 第一个Web服务定义了比第二个服务更长的响应时间。

    The first Web service is defined to have a longer response time than the second .

  3. 探针(probe)响应时间(和用户响应时间)

    The probe response time ( end user response time )

  4. LED响应时间短的特性为设计制造信息化的车灯奠定了基础。

    Its characteristics of short response time provides the basis for intelligent automobile lamps .

  5. 因此,就响应时间而言,Web服务调用比其他类型的远程过程调用的开销更大。

    Therefore Web service invocation costs more in terms of response time than some other kinds of remote procedure invocation .

  6. 基于HTTP的Web服务响应时间测试

    HTTP-Based Measurement on Web Services Response Time

  7. Web服务响应时间是用户评估Web服务质量最直观的一个参数。

    The response time of Web service is one of the most intuitive parameters by which users evaluate QoS of Web .

  8. 图中的(c)部分是操作特征,比如响应时间、吞吐量和可用性。

    Section ( c ) of the figure refers to operational aspects such as response time , throughput , and availability .

  9. 带Cache的磁盘阵列I/O响应时间及吞吐量分析

    Analyzing of I / O Response Time and Throughout of RAID with Cache

  10. 服务提供商还可以完成四件事情:第一,可以对Web应用服务器的最大响应时间和平均响应时间施加限制。

    The provider can also do four things : First , he can impose limits on maximum and average response Web application server times .

  11. 试验表明,此算法明显改善了cache命中率和平均响应时间。

    Experiment indicates that the algorithm greatly improves cache hit rate and average response time .

  12. Web服务的QoS指的是Web服务的非功能属性,如可靠性,响应时间等等。

    Web service QoS or quality of web service is the non-functional attributes of a service , e.g. reliability , response time .

  13. 提高平均响应时间是采用eXtremeScale帮助解决冷启动问题的另一个明显的效益。

    Improvement in average response time is another notable benefit of employing eXtreme Scale to help with the cold start situation .

  14. WebSphereRealTime:WebSphereRealTime利用了标准的Java技术并且没有损失确定性,使应用程序依赖于精确的响应时间。

    WebSphere Real Time : WebSphere Real Time lets applications dependent on a precise response times take advantage of standard Java technology without sacrificing determinism .

  15. 基于TAO的任务端到端响应时间可预测性研究

    Research on Predictability of End-to-End Response Time of the Tasks Based on TAO

  16. 在增加HTTP活动线程时,您应该会看到响应时间减少了。

    As you increase the HTTP active threads , you should see the response time decreasing .

  17. 性能和伸缩性是Web应用系统两个重要的质量属性,两者从不同方面反映了Web应用系统为客户提供响应时间的能力。

    Performance and scalability are two important quality attribute for web application system , and they show capability of response time of web application system from different aspects .

  18. 例如,监视应用程序的响应时间和连接到Web服务器的数量,应用程序服务器可以在问题发生前向您预警。

    For example , watching application response time and the number of connections to the Web server and application server can warn you of problems before they happen .

  19. 结果表明,在网络资源消耗和响应时间上,基于主从式移动Agent模型的网络管理方案比传统的网络管理方案具有明显的优势。

    The results of these analyses show that the network management scheme based on the Master-Slave Mobile Agent Model overcomes the flaws of traditional network management .

  20. 静、动态特性分析和PID控制研究表明,该系统与普通泵控液压马达系统相比具有调速特性好、响应时间短的优点,与普通阀控液压马达系统相比具有效率较高的优点。

    It analyzes static and dynamic state of PID control , the system has good performance and short of respond time .

  21. 应用常规的PID控制方法响应时间慢,抗干扰性和稳定性难以满足控制要求。

    The application of the conventional PID control with slow response time and poor stability can not meet the control requirements .

  22. 但是Web服务SOAP调用具有很高的代价,服务器的负载加重,响应时间也增加了许多。

    But web services SOAP calls can be expensive that the server will receive a heavy load and response time will increase a lot .

  23. Mg~(2+)对Fe∶LiNbO3晶体光折变响应时间的影响

    Action of Mg on photorefractive response time of fe ∶ linbo_3 crystal

  24. 宽带LAN平均响应时间限值与流量最大容限&三层协议模型近似解析

    Upper Limit of Mean Response Time and Maximum Traffic Capacity of Broadband LAN-Approximate Analysis of Three-layer Layer Protocol Model

  25. 与标准关系数据库相比,原生XML数据库在服务于主要是只读的复杂查询时能够提供更快的响应时间和开发时间。

    When servicing queries that are complex and mostly read-only , compared to standard relational databases , native XML databases provide faster response times and faster development times .

  26. PI算法有比较好地稳态特性,稳态误差小,但是超调量大,响应时间长。

    PI algorithm work better in steady-state , steady-state error is small , but overshoot is large , response time is long .

  27. 同时,通过性能监控工具以及计时器来记录Web应用系统在特定压力下的性能,以及浏览器端用户所感受到的Web应用系统响应时间。

    In the meantime , testers use performance monitor tools and timers to record the performance of Web application system under special stress and Web application system response time feeled by the browser-side users .

  28. 响应时间小于60s;

    The response time is lower than 60 s.

  29. 对响应时间增长率的比较并不会显示Tomcat与IBMWebSphere程序服务器之间的显著差异。

    The comparison of the rate of increase in response times does not show a large difference between Tomcat and IBM WebSphere application servers .

  30. 结果表明,γ辐照使光敏器件的光电流Ip、电流放大倍数β和光电响应时间t减小,暗电流Id增加,结电容C基本不变。

    The experimental results showed that the light current Ip , current amplification factor β and response time to photo - devices were all decreased while dark current Id increased and junction capacitance C unchanged basically .