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yòng rén
  • choose a person for a job;make use of personnel;need hands;wake use of personnel;choose sb.for a job;be in need of hands;servant


yòng ren
  • servant
用人 [yòng rén]
  • (1) [wake use of personnel;choose sb.for a job]∶选用人才

  • 善于用人

  • (2) [be in need of hands]∶需要办事人员

  • 现在正是用人的时候

  • [servant] 仆人

  • 女用人

用人[yòng rén]
用人[yòng ren]
  1. 他们像对待用人一样对待自己的母亲。

    They treat their mother like a servant .

  2. 关上橱门,又说:“咦,headache--”便捺电铃叫用人。

    He closed the cupboard and said ," oh , headache ," then pressed an electric bell to summon the servant .

  3. 我们会争取为你找到提供你所需职位的用人单位。

    We will try to match you to employers with the vacancies you are looking for

  4. 他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。

    He lived in considerable style , travelling widely , usually with a cook , valet , butler and chauffeur in attendance .

  5. 现在正是用人的时候。

    Now 's the time when we are in need of personnel .

  6. 作为对大学毕业生分配制度的改革,双向选择制度意味着,毕业生可以选择用人单位,用人单位也可以选择毕业生,双方均出于自愿。

    The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates , both of their own free will .

  7. 这个残酷的国王穿着用人皮制成的大袍,宫殿的墙壁上装饰着经过漂白的敌人的骷髅。

    The cruel king wore human-skin robes and adorned his palace walls with enemy 's bleached skulls .

  8. 基于知识的学位仍然很重要,但是用人单位越来越要求大学毕业生具有高级思维技能。

    Knowledge-based degrees are still important , but employers are demanding advanced thinking skills from college graduates .

  9. 公共场所和女职工比较多的用人单位应当配置母婴设施。

    Public areas and institutions employing a large number of female workers should also set up nursery services .

  10. 博克接受《赫芬顿邮报》的采访,谈到了谷歌的用人哲学,以及如何加入这家一直被认为是最佳工作地的公司。

    Bock spoke1 with The Huffington Post about Google 's people philosophy and how to get hired at the company , which consistently is ranked as one of the best places to work .

  11. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  12. 用人LDL培养的胎儿主动脉平滑肌细胞内SOD活性的测定

    SOD activity within human fetal aorta smooth muscle cells cultured by LDL conditional medium

  13. 用人胎肝组织粗提物多克隆抗体对构建的人胎肝cDNA文库进行免疫学筛选,筛选约106重组子后,得到9株阳性克隆。

    Recombinant phage from the human fetal liver cDNA expression library were screened by human fetal liver tissues polyclonal antibodies , and nine positive clones were obtained .

  14. X电力设计工程公司于2001年8月挂牌成立,在股权结构、用人机制、分配机制、产业模式等方面初步实现了突破,有了一个持续发展的良好开端。

    X electric power Designing and Engineering Corporation was founded in August 2001 . It has achieved break through of the stock structure , of the mechanism of human resource , of the mechanism of assignment and estate structure .

  15. 研究设计用人Hela细胞株提取含热休克蛋白的ATP结合蛋白,制取单抗,分析相应热休克蛋白在肿瘤细胞株及人体肿瘤中的表达。

    Design Extracting ATP & binding protein which containing heat shock protein from Hela cell Line , we developed monoclonal antibody to analyse corresponding heat shock protein expression on the tumor cell lines and human tumors .

  16. 方法:用人胎肝细胞生长因子肌肉注射治疗肝硬化52例(治疗组),每日6mg,10天为1疗程。

    Methods : Human embryo hepatocyte growth factor was administrated intramuscularly in dosage of 6 mg per day for 10 days to 52 patients with liver cirrhosis .

  17. 用人Ha-ras、Ki-ras及N-ras癌基因特异性引物对裸鼠肿瘤DNA进行PCR扩增,仅能扩增出人Ha-ras基因相应的片段。

    When PCR was per-formed with a set of primers designed for human Ha-ras , Ki-ras or N-ras oncogene specific sequence , only an amplicon corresponding to human Ha-ras oncogene primers were found from the tumors in nude mice .

  18. 方法:用人结肠癌(HT-29)细胞系裸鼠异种移植瘤模型治疗实验,观察Lb-f抗人结肠癌作用;

    Methods : Therapeutic trial of human colon cancer xenograft in nude mouse model was used to investigate the growth inhibition of Lb-f on human colon cancer xenograft in nude mice .

  19. Johnson教授表示:“有人可能会说,在特定情况下,外貌理所应当地成为用人标准。对于像销售这样需要同客户面对面交流的职位来说,外貌出色的应聘者想当然地被认为会比外貌稍逊一筹的人表现更好。”

    Professor Johnson said : ' One could argue that , under certain conditions , physical appearance may be a legitimate basis for hiring . In jobs involving face-to-face client contact , such as sales , more physically attractive applicants could conceivably perform better than those who are less attractive .

  20. 正视民工与用人单位之间的法律关系

    Face Up to the Legal Relationship Between Immigration Workers and Employees

  21. 论企业用人的软环境

    On the Soft Surroundings of Enterprises ' Choosing the Right Persons

  22. 生命周期理论与国企用人机制

    Theory of Life Cycle and Personnel Mechanisms of State Enterprises

  23. 建立用人企业客户群制;

    Founding the client group system of job vacant enterprises ;

  24. 高校与用人单位对毕业生素质测评的差异性研究

    Study on the Difference of Graduate Diathesis Evaluation between College and Employers

  25. 魏晋南北朝选举用人制度述论

    On the Election System of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

  26. 高等学校人事工作的管理模式,是在计划经济条件下形成的。实行的是固定用人制度、职务终身制度和人才单位所有制度。

    The present personnel employment system is a product of planned economy .

  27. 论用人单位与劳务派遣工之间的关系

    Discussion on Relationship of Employing Unit and Laborer for Services

  28. 大规模生产静脉注射用人血免疫球蛋白工艺的研究

    Studies on Manufacturing Technique of Human Plasma Immunoglobulin for Intravenous

  29. 半标准大剂量静脉注射用人免疫球蛋白治疗皮肤病13例临床疗效观察

    Half dose of standard high-dose intravenous Y-globulin in the treatment of dermatoses

  30. 家族企业用人机制的创新探析

    Exploration and Analysis of the Innovative Mechanisms in Family Enterprises Employment System