
yòng shì
  • act;be in power;quote
用事 [yòng shì]
  • (1) [be in power]∶执政;当权

  • 赵太后新用事。--《战国策.赵策》

  • 用事擅权

  • (2) [act]∶[凭感情、意气等]行事;办事

  • 方春,少阳用事,未可大热。--《汉书.丙吉传》

  • 感情用事

  • (3) [quote]∶引用典故

  • 押韵不必有出处,用事不必拘来历。--《沧浪诗话.诗法》

  • 文章用事,不使人觉

用事[yòng shì]
  1. 权臣用事。

    Powerful officials [ ministers ] are in power .

  2. 中国古代诗论用事研究

    Research on Quotation in the Poetical Theory of Chinese Ancient

  3. 当别人在忙,不要用事去打扰他。

    When a person is busy , do not bother him with matters .

  4. 用事不使人觉的完美境界&钱钟书用典研究之一

    Perfect State of Using Allusions Without Being Detected & Research on Allusions Used by Qian Zhongshu

  5. 丽丽那里多得点补偿比什么都强,千万不要一齐用事了。

    Lili has many points where compensation is stronger than anything , proved the never together .

  6. 从横向方面,探寻用事的产生及驱动机制和用事的审美效果。

    From the crosswise aspect , the article inquired the actuation mechanism and the esthetic effect of Quotation .

  7. 他的诗法中涵盖了字法、句法、章法、用事、格律等方面。

    The diction , syntax , rules , allusions , were covered by the law of his poetry .

  8. 开放性问题无法简单的用事或否来回答,应此被访谈者就会提供更多的信息。

    Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no response and thus encourage the interviewee to provide more information .

  9. 所以想要做出正确的决策,要摒弃个人的偏见,不能情感用事,做出真正艰难的决定。

    So good judgment usually applies , setting aside the personal biases , setting aside the emotion and making the really tough decision .

  10. 他们互相悄悄发誓,保证下回钟响再也不这样用事。

    They made whispering vows , each to the other , that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion .

  11. 典故的结构、形式特点及其特点与中国古典诗歌自身特点的同构是用事的内在因素,决定了用事在中国古代诗歌中的命运;

    The characteristics of Quotation 's structure and form are identical with those of the Chinese classical poetry , they decided the Quotation 's destiny ;

  12. 当别人正在忙,不要用事去打搅他。当别人的心正感到不安,不要用话去打扰他。

    When a person is busy , I will not bother him with matters . When a person 's mind is not at ease , I will not bother him with words .

  13. 从纵向方面,分析用事在中国古代文论史上的历史沿革,论述用事在中国古代各种诗歌理论文体中的表现。

    Form the history lasted order , The article analyzed the historical evolution of Quotation in the literature theory history , elaborated the performance of Quotation in the Chinese ancient poetry theory style .

  14. 不管你是主动地或被动地关注股市,你一定要常常读这几份有分量的财经报告,这样你就可以不会因市场波动而情绪用事了。

    Regardless of if you follow the markets passively or actively , make sure some blockbuster economic reports are always on your radar lest you run the risk of getting blindsided by market sentiment .

  15. 描述人格的次元人格因素类型:适应与焦虑型、内向与外向型、情感用事与安详机智型、怯懦与果断型,以此了解深层次的人格特征并进行职业指导。

    The dimensional factor types to describe personality : type of adaptation and anxiety , type of introversion and extraversion , type of impetuous action and undisturbed intellect , coward and resolute type , which were helpful to investigate deeper personality characters and conduct vocational guidance .

  16. 神给每个信徒属灵恩赐好用在事工上。

    God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry .

  17. 所有花在批评别人的时间,都该用在事工上。

    Any time spent criticizing others is time that could be spent ministering .

  18. 又是那些关于武技的没用的事儿。

    About useless things like martial arts again .

  19. 我努力不去想他,试图用别的事来

    I 'm just trying not to think of him , distracting myself with other

  20. 俺不傻,就是知道太多没用的事儿。

    I 'm not dumb . I just have a command of thoroughly useless information .

  21. 纳税事小,用税事大。

    Tax is a small matter , while the use of tax is a big thing .

  22. 他们不知道约瑟听得出来,因为在他们中间用通事传话。

    They did not realize that Joseph could understand them , since he was using an interpreter .

  23. 本来不想说这些没用的事,可是不说这些,心中不能痛快,事情也显着不齐全。

    He had not meant to mention these useless things , but unless he did he would feel no relief and his story would be incomplete .

  24. 我觉的我目前的情况应该让公司有所了解,但却不想用这个事去打扰总裁。

    I didn 't want to bother the president with my situation , yet I felt someone at the company needed to know what was going on .

  25. 自我作古用适于事&武则天标新立异的洛阳明堂老板叫他在公司建立起以前要按常规行事,不要标新立异。

    Luoyang Mingtang Imperial Ritual Hall Unconventionally Built by Wu Zetian ; His employer told him to keep to the beaten track and not use any new ideas until the company became established .

  26. 国最安全的城市呢?在曼哈顿街头平平安安地走着,谁能用这种事写出一本书来呢?当空气里弥漫着危险的可能性时,就是一场风暴即将到来了。”

    Who 's going to write a book about walking the safe streets of Manhattan ? It 's always right before a storm that the air is filled with dangerous possibilities . " "

  27. 我不明白他为何用这种烂事来烦我。

    I don 't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish .

  28. 你说Valiant用魔法的事是真的吗?

    Alright . Is it true what you said about Valiant using magic ?

  29. 他们想用这件事来吸引公众注意力。

    They want to attract public attention to this event .

  30. 只为今天我要用三件事来锻炼我的灵魂。

    Only I must use three matters for today to exercise my soul .