
  • 网络circadian rhythm;circadian;BIO rhythm
  1. 哺乳动物下丘脑的视交叉上核(SCN)控制着多种生理节奏的发生。

    The suprachiasmatic nucleus ( SCN ) in the hypothalamus controls many aspects of circadian rhythms in mammalian animals .

  2. 不仅是有规律的睡眠时间,有规律的饮食时间也对调节我们的生理节奏有帮助。

    Regular mealtimes , not just regular sleep times , help regulate our circadian rhythms .

  3. 结论鼻腔填塞对病人生理节奏有一定影响,应加强鼻腔、鼻窦手术后病人48h内的生命体征监护;

    Conclusion Nasal filling could influence the patient 's physiological rhythm to some extent .

  4. 这些F-box蛋白在植物花发育、自交不亲、种子发育、生理节奏调节、防卫反应、生长素信号途径、茉莉酸信号途径、水杨酸信号途径以及非生物胁迫响应等过程起重要作用。

    These F-box proteins played essential roles in flowering development , self-incompatibility , light signalling and clock control , plant hormone response pathways and abiotic stress .

  5. 鼻腔填塞对病人生理节奏的影响及护理

    Effect of Nasal Filling on the Patient 's Physiological Rhythm and Nursing Care

  6. 日常的生理节奏的循环调控着体内的生物钟。

    The daily , or circadian , cycles guide the body 's internal clock .

  7. 目的观察鼻腔填塞对病人生理节奏的影响,以便有针对性地做好预防护理。

    Objective To observe the effect of nasal filling on the patient 's physiological rhythm .

  8. 婴儿24小时生理节奏的发育

    Development of 24-hour circadian rhythmicity in infants

  9. 我们的生物钟,或者说是生理节奏,会影响我们的精力和灵敏度。

    Our body clock , or natural body rhythm , influences our energy and alertness .

  10. 高速飞行时因时差而引起的生理节奏的推迟是每一个跨国旅行者有时会遇到的问题。

    The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveller comes across at some time .

  11. 它们控制着大致24小时生理节奏的关键基因活动也表现出变化。

    They also displayed altered activity in key genes that control the roughly 24-hour circadian rhythm .

  12. 由于每个人有不同的生理节奏,在睡眠早晚的安排上要因人而异!

    Since everyone has different physiological rhythms in sleep sooner or later the arrangements to vary !

  13. 甚至那些在实验室里饲养的已经历数代繁殖的动物也表现出和它们祖先一样的生理节奏。

    Even animals bred in the laboratory through many generations show the same kinds of rhythms that their ancestors did .

  14. 高速飞行引起生理节奏的改变不仅仅使人心情烦燥,经常这样作对于大脑的健康也是危险的。

    Jet lag is not simply annoying ; in repeated doses it can be dangerous to your brain 's health .

  15. 顺应这种生理节奏,有利于提高工作效率和生活质量,反之,则对健康不利。

    In line with this physiological rhythm , helping improve the efficiency and quality of life , whereas the adverse health .

  16. 而生理节奏不仅控制着人们的睡眠,还控制着人们的新陈代谢。

    And that light pollution could be messing with our circadian rhythms , which control not only sleep , but metabolism .

  17. 生理节奏受我们身体内部生物钟的生活和日常规律支配。

    Circadian rhythms are followed by most living things and follow a daily cycle that are governed by our internal body clocks .

  18. 当然,每个人的生物钟不尽相同,这使得日常计划与生理节奏同步难上加难。

    Of course , everyone 's body clock isn 't the same , making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans .

  19. 当然,每个人的生物钟都不尽相同,这使得日常计划与生理节奏同步变得难上加难。

    Of course , not everyone 's body clock is the same , making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans .

  20. 研究人员总结到真正的太空任务需要纳入战术,例如定时接受阳光照射,或者锻炼身体以保持宇航员的生理节奏合拍。

    The researchers conclude that a real Mars mission would need to incorporate tactics such as timed light exposure or exercise to keep astronauts ' circadian rhythms on beat .

  21. 科恩想知道这两种严重且长期的睡眠不足是如何与我们体内的自然生理节奏相互作用的&是时候睡觉或醒来时,这个24小时的生物钟就会发出信号。

    Cohen wondered how both acute and chronic sleep loss interact with our bodies'natural circadian rhythms , the24-hour biological clock that signals when it 's time to sleep and wake .

  22. 生理节奏引起的一个最明显的结果是:睡眠-醒来的循环,但是生物钟还影响着消化力、体温、血压和激素的产生。

    The most evident effect of circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle , but the biological clock also impacts digestion , body temperature , blood pressure , and hormone production .

  23. 一项新的研究对此得出了肯定的答案,该研究同时发现,一种控制身体日常生理节奏的基因产生的突变增加了罹患糖尿病的几率。

    That 's one implication of a new study , which has found that variants in a gene that helps regulate the body 's daily rhythms increase the chance of developing the disease .

  24. 史蒂夫•凯说:当生物钟在光线以及其他自然因素影响下,与生理节奏同步时,它便会为我们的日常生活增添砝码。

    When the body clock can synchronize the rhythms of its natural processes in response to light and other natural influences , it gives us an edge in daily life , says Kay .

  25. 来自南加州大学的生物学教授史蒂夫凯表示,从另一方面来说,一旦打破我们的生理节奏,可能导致忧郁、肥胖等问题的产生。

    Disrupting our natural body rhythm , on the other hand , has been linked to problems such as depression and obesity , says Steve Key , a biology professor at the University of Southern California .

  26. 这不但会使人类的成熟年龄提前,还会使人生理节奏失调,进而出现心悸、胸闷、精神萎靡等现象。

    This not only can make ripe age of the mankind shifts to an earlier date , still can make person physiology rhythm maladjusted , appear then palpitation , bosom frowsty , spirit is dispirited wait for a phenomenon .

  27. 我们的身体被生理节奏的韵律所控制,调节身体的温度,大脑波活动,荷尔蒙产量,细胞的再生和其它生理的活动,意味着存在着正确的-和错误的-时间去做每件事。

    Our bodies are governed by the circadian rhythm , which regulates body temperature , brain wave activity , hormone production , cell regeneration and a host of other biological activities , which means there is a right – and a wrong – time to do everything .

  28. 总要每天在同一个时间起床的方法可以帮你固定住一个生理的节奏。

    That process of always getting up at the same time helps to anchor the circadian rhythm .

  29. 这个办法靠的是两件东西:一是肠胃调节其他生理活动节奏的能力,二是咖啡的药理作用。

    It relies on two things & the power of the stomach to regulate the timing of other events , and the pharmacological actions of coffee .

  30. 最高,有些人则是在下午。如果你还不知道什么时间你工作效率最高,那就要多留意你的生理上的节奏。

    If you don 't already know your most productive time , start paying attention to your body rhythms .