- 网络Bioclast;bioclastic;biodetritus;biological detritus

Analysis and Evaluation of Bioclastic Limestone Reservoir in the Central Region of Tarim Basin
Special stratigraphic sequence ( from bottom upwards ): volcanic rocks , pyroclastic limestone and bioclastic limestone ;
The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .
Favorable reservoirs are paleo karst related to regional unconformity , carbonate buildup and bioclastic limestone in TST and HST , turbidite in LST and dolostone or grainstone in lower LST and higher HST .
Tuffaceous-bioclastic limestone is the main type of ore-bearing rock .
In the east sea area of Dongsha Islands , calcareous debris are enriched ;
The inner coral reef flat is wide and plane , and corals grow well .
Pyrite formation depends on bioclastics type and the collection period gap between sediment particle sizes .
The reef island belt from Tusuo Lake to Huashixia is mainly composed of massive reef limestone and bioclastic limestone .
They are high permeability , light in density , slow acoustic speed and lower γ, because there is a higher porosity in the biocarbonate rock .
In the course of demonstration , the methods such as quantitative statistics of different bioclasts , the acid-unsolvable residue analysis of limestones and the simulated experiments in the water flute were used .
Minor environment is mainly affected by evaporation and tidal , leading a lithofacies combination of evaporation flat in subtidal and bioclast bank in open platform with little micrite within it . 3 .
The composition and content of bioclasts are important factors for the classification of different sediments in the bathyal-abyssal areas . ON THE LOWER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTATION TYPE AND THE CONTINENTAL JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS BOUNDARY IN NORTHEAST CHINA
It is shown from the analysis results that the color reflectance of sediments from the southern Yellow Sea shelf area is controlled by the ferric oxide , organic matter , clay mineral and calcareous biogenic detritus contents in sediments .
Several points can be concluded for the area from this paper study : ( 1 ) Hydrocarbon mainly occurs in the lower interval of bioclastic limestone and dolomitic limestone ( the special lithologic interval ) in Es_1 Member , in which solution pores well developed ;
Evaluation and calibration on the detrital contamination to biogenic opal of marine sediments by alkali leachate methods
Carbonate is calcium carbonate as the main ingredient of chemical sedimentary rocks , some of which is consisted of biological skeletal or clastic deposition .
The biolithite made up of stratums with biology fragment and fossils have admirable pervasion ability , in which dissolved pore , organism pore and framework pore play important roles in preserving oil and gas .