
  • 网络The Meaning and Value of Life
  1. 教学回归生活的意义与价值

    The Significance and Evaluation of Teaching 's Return to Life

  2. 但是我们并没有因为充足的物质资源和更多的精神资源而感受到幸福和生活的意义与价值,我们开始对幸福的理解出现偏差。

    But we have not sufficient material resources and spiritual resources and feel the happiness and the meaning of life and value , our understanding of happiness deviation .

  3. 在疯狂与理性、自由与束缚、独处与共处这些对立状态之间,独立而敏感的个体试图寻求自我以及生活的意义与价值,但在现实生活中总是不可避免的陷入两难困境。

    Between madness and reason , freedom and confinement , solitude and sociality , independent and perspective individuals in quest of the self and meaning of life inevitably find themselves in this dilemmatic state .

  4. 本部分主要对人类学视角下的主要时空观作了简要介绍和理性分析,并指出基于人类日常生活的现象学的时空观对于人类本身及其生活的意义与价值。

    This part will briefly introduce time and space in the perspective of anthropology , then it will point out the value and meaning of time and space for human being and its life based on the daily-life phenomenological time and space view .