
  1. “我有改变生活的体验,”克拉克告诉每日邮报。

    " I had a life-changing experience ," Clarke told the Daily Mail .

  2. 首先,我认为社会心理学中的现象学是关于对生活的体验。

    First and foremost I think phenomenological social psychology is about lived experience .

  3. 这不是我想要的高中生活的体验。

    this is not what I wanted my high-school experience to be . 8 .

  4. 总体而言,信念决定了我们对生活的体验。

    In the broadest sense , our beliefs shape the way we experience our lives .

  5. 父母离异,堕胎,接下来会是什么?这不是我想要的高中生活的体验。

    Divorce , abortion . What 's next ? this is not what I wanted my high-school experience to be .

  6. 重视写作方法的教学,轻视生活的体验和语言的积累;

    Take seriously the teaching of ways of writing while lightly the experiences of life and the accumulation of language .

  7. 过往生活的体验与发现&谈综合性大学中设计专业的美术史教学

    The Experience and Discovery of Life Passed & Teaching Method of Art History Given for the Students Majoring in Design in Multiple-Universities

  8. 对生活的体验、感想。对素材整理与收集,与我对大师作品的体会。

    Feeling and thought , experience to life , collection and consolidation of materials , comments to master 's work after seen .

  9. 水星逆行的这段时间,将给予你旋转木马般生活的体验,从中寻找乐趣,多见见朋友吧。

    This time Mercury will give you license to step off the merry-go-round of life , have fun , and see friends .

  10. 还在解放之初,雕塑家通过对生活的体验和艺术实践,就已创作了不少具有特色的作品。

    After the founding of New China , Chinese sculptors created many excellent works from their rich life experience and artistic practice .

  11. 人的身体是空间隐喻认知的原型,人在多维空间中躯体和生活的体验是空间隐喻概念的基础。

    Human body is the cognitive prototypical model of spatial metaphor , and the experience of the body is the base of metaphorical concepts .

  12. 其散文重现世生活的体验,重人性关怀和人情温暖,这就造成了他散文的平民化、生活化。

    His prose attaches more importance to the experience of worldly life , humanity care and social warmth , which leads his prose to popularization .

  13. 两位作家都以流浪生活的体验为基础,为创作铺垫了丰富的生活底蕴,形成了生命的悲剧意识;

    The two authors both based on their wandering life to foreshadow rich experience for their creation so as to form the tragic consciousness of life ;

  14. 其原因主要归结为四点:一是故乡生活的体验;二是古典文学的熏染;三是先驱作家的指引;四是外国文学的影响。

    There are mainly four reasons : his experiences of life in his hometown ; influence of classicalliterature ; guidance of pioneering writers ; influence of foreign literature .

  15. 探究式教学实现的基本目标是:学生学习个性的解放与发展,对课堂生活的体验与感悟以及自主学习能力提高。

    The teaching objective is to liberate and develop students ' learning characters and raise the ability to experience and understand the class life and to precede self-study .

  16. 二十世纪三四十年代,左翼作家沙汀凭借自身对川西北乡土生活的体验和感悟,创作了一系列乡土题材的小说。

    By means of his experience and sensibility to the Northwestern Sichuan local rustic life , the left wing writer Sha Ting creates a piece of local novels .

  17. “新生代”的童话作家以各自对生活的体验、感悟来创作童话,将童话潮推向了一个新的高峰。

    The authors who belong to the newly emerging school create fairy tales according to their life experience , feelings as well as understanding and make the fairy tale tide peak .

  18. 墨子认为人生价值的内在根据在于对人存在的肯定,其外在根据是对现实生活的体验与反省;

    Mo Zi thought that the internal basis of life 's value lies in the affirmation of human existence , and its external basis is the experience and introspection of real life .

  19. 青年大学生在纯朴的乡村生活的体验中,不仅可以学会懂自己、懂生活,也会更爱自己、更热爱生活。

    The university student experienced in simple country life , not only may learn to understand himself and understand the life , also can learn to love himself deeply and love the life deeply .

  20. 都市国际四位合伙人试图通过对城市生活的体验和对当代中国城市的特殊形态和现象的解读来探索一种批判性的建筑实践。

    Through experiencing urban life and reading of the specific condition and phenomena in contemporary cities in China , four partners of Urbanus Architecture and Design are trying to probe into a critical architectural practice .

  21. 而雕塑艺术家们则通过这种美的形式表达自己对生活的体验、理解和追求,并通过城市雕塑的形式探讨城市空问与个人的关系。

    And sculpture artists through such forms of expression of the beauty of their own experience , understanding of life and the pursuit , and adopted a form of urban sculpture of urban space and personal relationships .

  22. 修辞的神奇之处在于,它可以变换语言的常规形态,以一种艺术口语的形式,把幼儿对生活的体验与感受尽情的渲染和扩张出来。

    Its magic lies in , it can vary the routine form of the language , in the form of spoken art , play up and expand that the heart 's content in infant 's experience and impression to life .

  23. 当代的大众艺术并不具有直接的实用性,但通过对其的消费,消费大众可以获得对自我的认同,向社会展示自我的个性化追求、审美情趣等,也可以获得对生活的体验和感悟。

    The modern popular art has no direct practicability . By the consumption of it , Consumers can obtain self - identification and show to the society their individualized pursuance and esthetic sentiment . They can also get experience and inspiration about life .

  24. 它通过形象的创造和衔接组合,表现审美主体对生活的体验和感受,是艺术语言形象创造、情感表现的具体运用。语言蒙太奇在不同的语体里,具有不同的修辞功能

    Language montage is a visualized utterance composition Through visualized creativity and juxtaposed composition , it reveals our life experience and attitudes towards life Language montage is the application of artistic language to the visualized creativity and affective expression It has different rhetoric functions in different styles

  25. 她对大城市生活初次的体验

    Her first taste of life in a big city

  26. 她用新颖独特的文学技巧描述了女性追求理想生活道路的体验。

    She uses the unconventional way to depict female experience of pursuing ideal life .

  27. 她对客人们生活中的体验进行移情都忙不过来。

    She 's too busy empathizing with whatever they 're experiencing in their lives .

  28. 幸福就是时时刻刻都以仁爱、善良和感恩来生活的精神体验。

    Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love , grace and gratitude .

  29. 饮食词语的词义通过认知活动主要转移到形容人在生活中的体验和遭遇。

    The diet word meaning transforms to describe human life experience and encounter through the cognitive activities .

  30. 我的作品表达我自己对生活的真实体验和心灵感受。

    My works is my own life to express the real experience , sincere and simple heart feeling .