
  • 网络abacus mental calculation;ABACUS
  1. 珠心算训练对儿童自我调节能力的影响

    The Effects of Training for Abacus Mental Calculation on Children 's Self-regulation Ability

  2. 结论珠心算训练对儿童的认知能力有一定影响。

    Conclusion The abacus mental calculation training could progress the children 's basis cognitive ability .

  3. 珠心算加法练习对儿童心算影响的fMRI研究

    Influence of mental abacus calculation practice on mental arithmetic in children : a fMRI study

  4. 目的:应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术研究接受过珠心算训练的儿童在执行计算任务时的脑功能状态及激活模式。

    Objective : To investigate the brain functional status and the activating mode in the trained children engaged in mental calculation with functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) .

  5. 第二部分通过数字的Stroop实验范式考察了经过珠心算训练后儿童对阿拉伯数字和珠像数字的自动加工。

    In the second part , we investigated the automatic process to Arabic numbers and abacus numbers of children after AMC trainings by adopting the numerical Stroop paradigm .

  6. 珠心算练习对小学生基本认知能力的影响

    Effects of mental abacus calculation on cognitive capacity for pupils

  7. 工作记忆子成分在小学三年级儿童珠心算中的作用

    The Role of Working Memory in Third-Grade Children 's Process of Mental Abacus Calculation

  8. 本实验采用眼动技术和实验神经心理学的方法对珠心算的认知过程进行了实验研究。

    Using eye scanning technique and neuropsychological methods , we conducted an experiment on mental abacus .

  9. 珠心算训练可以使人在不借助任何工具的情况下进行快速、准确地计算。

    The training can make people calculate rapidly and exactly without the help of any actual tools .

  10. 目的研究珠心算教学对小学生智力发展的作用。

    To assess the effect of abacus and mental arithmetic education on the development of pupils ' intelligence .

  11. 结果表明,⑴珠心算组儿童的心算成绩明显优于普通组儿童。

    The results showed that ⑴ the performance of mental abacus subjects was much better than of normal subjects .

  12. 与传统的心算相比,珠心算能够处理更加复杂的计算任务,也更加快速、准确。

    Comparing to traditional mental calculations , the tasks that the AMC processed are more complex , rapid and nicety .

  13. 方法采用《基本认知能力测验》软件,对经过珠心算训练和未经过珠心算训练的三、四年级儿童进行测验。

    Methods The Basis cognitive ability test was used to the three / four grade children with / without abacus mental calculation training .

  14. 另外,笔者也希望能以本次研究的结果为珠心算教学研究提供一份实证数据。

    In addition , I expect that the results of this study can be a copy of demonstration data in the study of mental abacus operation .

  15. 方法:对12名接受过3年珠心算训练的儿童进行加、减、乘、除计算和数物对照判断实验。

    Methods : Twelve children trained with mental abacus calculation for 3 years performed mental calculation tasks including addition , subtraction , multiplication , division and number-object control judging tasks .

  16. 研究接受训练时间和任务难度不同时儿童珠心算相关脑激活区的变化,探讨珠心算训练对儿童数字计算相关脑功能区的影响。

    To analyze the roles of activated areas in mental abacus calculations and the effects of training time and task difficulty on the changes of brain activations engaged in mental abacus calculation .

  17. 珠心算训练后主要激活脑区位于顶叶及枕叶,表明儿童珠心算时数字加工主要依赖视觉空间策略。

    More areas related to visuospatial are activated after training , which indicates that children who accept mental abacus calculation training mainly rely on the visuospatial representations during number processing in mental calculation .

  18. 结论珠心算练习确实能够促进儿童工作记忆、计算能力、图形辨别能力等多种能力的发展,特别是与工作记忆之间存在着密切的关系;

    Conclusion Mental abacus calculation indeed improves the development of pupils ' capacities , like working memory mental arithmetic and the ability to differentiate figures and there is an intimate relation between mental abacus calculation and working memory ;

  19. 高级组儿童珠心算时激活的脑区少且集中,主要位于枕叶(楔叶及舌回)及顶叶(楔前叶及顶下小叶)。

    The brain areas activated in the senior group during the mental abacus calculation were fewer and mainly localized in occipital lobe ( cuneus and infracalcarine gyrus ) and parietal lobe ( precuneus and inferior parietal lobule ) .