
  • 网络strict proof;strengbeweis
  1. 严格证明是指对具有证据能力的法定证据调查程序的证明。

    Strengbeweis is something to prove a fact with qualified and prescribed proofs , through strict investigation process .

  2. 严格证明理论对于我国刑事诉讼证明制度的改革具有重要意义。

    The theory of strengbeweis carries considerable importance to the reform of China 's proof system in criminal procedure .

  3. 定义了Lyapunov函数,严格证明了它们是渐近稳定的。

    The proposed models have been strictly shown to be asymptotically stable by defining their Lyapunov functions .

  4. 严格证明了它们是Lyapunov稳定的,并且大范围渐近收敛于问题的精确最优解。

    They are proved to be Lyapunov stable and asymptotically converge to an exact optimal solution in the large .

  5. 提出了一种连续隐Markov模型参数估计算法,并利用全局收敛定理严格证明了算法的收敛性。

    A parameter estimation algorithm of the continuous hidden Markov model is introduced and the rigorous proof of its convergence is also included .

  6. Bloch定理的严格证明及晶体电子态研究

    Strict proof on bloch 's theorem and Research on electronic states in a crystal

  7. 针对该问题,本文首先形式化定义了冗余路径构建问题,并严格证明了该问题是NP难的。

    To solve this problem , this thesis first formally define the redundant path build-ing problem , which is proved to be NP-hard .

  8. 并且用该全型涡度方程严格证明了倾斜涡度发展(SVD)理论。

    Based upon this equation , the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development ( SVD ) proposed by Wu et al .

  9. 到本文提出一个求解L1范数极小化问题的神经网络新模型,并予以严格证明,对比文〔1〕中的模型,新模型具有较小的规模;

    A neural network for solving L1-norm minimization problem is presented and is shown to be globally convergent to exact solutions .

  10. 理论上推测ErlangB公式对服务时间为任意分布的M/G/C/C系统的呼叫损失概率是有效的但缺乏严格证明。

    The formula of Erlang B is inferred to hold for any M / G / C / C system with general service time distribution , but rigorous proof is absent .

  11. 对于由n阶幻方造n+2阶幻方的镶边法,从理论上进行了系统的探讨,给出了一整套行之有效的法则及其严格证明。

    In this paper we make a systematic study on the theory of the edging method of constructing the n + 2 orders magic square by the n orders magic square and give a set of valid rules and their strict proving .

  12. 本文首先介绍Rayleigh商定理,然后利用Rayleigh商定理给出无约束极值条件新的严格证明。

    In this paper , the theorem of Rayleigh quotient is introduced at first , then by use of it , a new rigorous proof for an unconstrained extremum condition is given .

  13. 运用线性稳定性分析法严格证明,某些微扰KdV方程的孤子解具有条件稳定性。

    By using the linear stability analysis , it is strictly proved that the soliton solutions of some perturbed KdV equations possess conditional stability .

  14. 利用Lyapunov函数和LaSalle不变原理对结论给予了严格证明,并用数值仿真说明了这种方法的有效性。

    The strict proofs were presented in terms of Lyapunov functions and LaSalle invariant principle . Numerical simulations were given to show the effectiveness of the results .

  15. 它由Walras所提出,但严格证明却是在半个世纪以后的1952年由数学家G。

    It was proposed by Walras , but the strict proof was gave by the mathematician G.

  16. 首先,从理论上严格证明了三角平台Stewart并联机构发生奇异的充分必要定理。

    At first , the kinematics principle is strictly proved that leads to the singularities of 3-Stewart parallel manipulator in theory , and called the sufficient and necessary condition of singularities .

  17. 介绍电阻抗成像技术(EIT)离散形式的最佳电流理论,并对最佳电流模式组定理进行了的严格证明。

    The theory of discrete optimal current pattern for electrical impedance tomography ( EIT ) is introduced and a proof of the theorem of optimal current patterns is presented .

  18. 给出任意16k阶兼有Franklin半幻方特性的幻方的造法及其严格证明。

    In this paper we gives a method of constructing arbitrary 16k orders magic square with characteristic of Franklin semi magic square and its strict proving .

  19. 在此基础上,进一步对该方法进行了深入研究,并将其推广到非线性MIMO系统控制理论,严格证明了该方法的收敛性。随后本文基于动态逆思想设计了武装直升机姿态角控制回路。

    After a deep discussion of the method , it is generalized to the nonlinear MIMO system and the convergence of the algorithm is proved strictly . Subsequently , the control loop of attitude angle is designed with dynamic inversion scheme .

  20. 提出了三层分层有耗媒质中电磁场理论经常遇到的索末菲(Sommerfeld)积分近似条件的正确形式,并给出了严格证明。

    The correct approximation condition for the sommerfeld integral involved in a three_layer lossy medium is presented . The exact proof of the approximation condition is also worked out .

  21. 有限覆盖和单位分解是单位分解积分的数学基础,对单位分解积分进行了严格证明,并指出使用Shepard函数作为单位分解函数是一个很好的选择。

    Partition of unity quadrature is shown strictly with finite covering and partition of unity . Using Shepard functions as partition of unity functions , we obtain good results .

  22. 本文基于Hamilton原理和线性势流理论,严格证明了三维流固耦合系统湿模态的广义正交关系,并给出了运动方程的解耦条件。

    On the basis of Hamilton 's principle and a linear potential flow theory , generalized orthogonality relations of wet modes for 3 & D fluid-structure system are proved . The decoupling conditions of the equations of motion are also discussed .

  23. 用拟谱方法讨论了一类广义的Burgers-BBM方程周期初值问题的数值解,从理论上给出了半离散和全离散拟谱方法近似解的误差估计的严格证明。

    Abstract In this paper , Fourier pseudo spectral schemes are constructed for the periodic initial value problem of a class of generalized Burgers BBM equations and the errors , are estimated .

  24. 本文讨论用MCMC样本确定的缺失数据的后验分布收敛到精确分布的问题,给出了几种度量形式下的收敛性.并严格证明了经验分布的后验形式的几个极限定理。

    In this paper , we discuss the convergences that a posterior density , which be determined by MCMC samplers , approach to its exact posterior density , with a few forms of metrics .

  25. 最后本文还提出了一个较为系统性的DAG粒度理论,并且根据fork和join图,本文用数学方法严格证明了细粒度下非线性聚簇要优于线性聚簇。

    Thirdly , A systematic granularity theory of the DAG scheduling is given in this paper . Based on the fork and join graphs , it has been proved that the nonlinearly clustering is better than linearly clustering for the fine grain DAGs which is defined by the paper .

  26. 应用动态误差系统分析(DESA)方法,严格证明了提出的自校正加权观测融合Wiener信号滤波器按实现收敛于相应的稳态全局最优滤波器,因而具有渐近全局最优性。

    By DESA method , it is rigorously proved that the proposed self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Wiener signal filters converge to the corresponding steady-state globally optimal filters in a realization , so they have the asymptotical global optimality .

  27. 本文提出并严格证明了一种缩减&相对效益算法。

    This paper provides and proves strictly a algorithm of reducing-relative benefit .

  28. 关于几何学平均自由程λ′的严格证明

    A rigorous proof of the geometrical mean free path λ′

  29. 粘性总流贝努里方程的严格证明

    The Exact Demonstration of Bernoulli Equation for Integral Viscous Flow

  30. 文中还严格证明了这一问题解的存在性及有限元解的收敛性。

    The existence and the convergence of finite element solutions are also proved .