
  • 网络Jck;basel;JCK Show
  1. 1997年世界各地珠宝展预告(精选)

    Notice on Jewelry ' 97 Exposition of World ( Selecting )

  2. 而在今年,游客们将看到史上规模最大的一次女王晚礼服和珠宝展。

    This year , tourists get to see the largest-ever showing of the sovereign 's evening dresses and personal jewellery .

  3. 日本同修首次于东京举行的日本珠宝展中,介绍多件师父设计的天饰。

    The Japanese Jewelry Fair was held in tokyo , and this was the first time that numerous pieces of jewelry designed by master were exhibited in japan .

  4. 玉石雕“天工奖”作品巧夺天工,大师云集,是国内外珠宝展中独一无二的亮丽风景线。

    The jade superlative craftsmanship " Tiangong Award " represent the highest level of the jadestone sculpture , which is the only and unique view among all the international and domestic jewelry shows .

  5. 从1965年开业以来,每年举行的缅甸珠宝商展都会吸引数百名中国商人前来。

    Since its launch in 1964 , the annual Myanmar Gems Emporium has been attractive to hundreds of Chinese merchants .

  6. 此外还在网上和珠宝晚会的珠宝展上销售。

    They are also sold online and at jewelry shows called bead parties .

  7. 香港国际珠宝展览会是世界上第三大珠宝展,参展商超过2千3百家,创下新的记录。

    Hong Kong 's International Jewelry Show is the world 's third largest fair of its kind . More than 2300 exhibitors participated in the latest fair , setting a record .