
xiàn jīn zhī fù
  • cash payment, specie payment, term cash
  1. 我用现金支付的。

    I paid in cash .

  2. 农民卖粮,将以现金支付,而不是白条了。

    The farmers will be paid for their grain in cash , instead of IOUs .

  3. 现金支付还是信用卡支付?

    Pay with cash or credit card ?

  4. 问题是人们改用非现金支付的进程越快,商店不再接受现金支付的可能性就越大,自动取款机被停用的数量也就越多。

    The problem is the faster the switch away from cash happens , the bigger the danger that shops stop taking it and more cash machines are closed .

  5. 针对Brands电子现金支付协议的预处理算法

    Preprocessing for Brands ' ? e-cash scheme

  6. 交易完成后,aig将获得现金支付。

    AIG will receive cash upon completion of the deal .

  7. 银行印鉴分开保管;安装POS机,减少现金支付量。

    POS should be fixed to reduce the amount of cash payment .

  8. 在摩根大通(JPMorgan)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)等美国投行,像这样高的奖金现金支付比例非常普遍。

    Such large cash proportions are common at US peers such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs .

  9. 本文给出了一个基于RSA加密系统的脱线式数字现金支付系统。

    In this paper , we introduce an off line digital cash system based on the RSA encryption system .

  10. ECC离线可分电子现金支付协议

    ECC off-line separable e-cash payment protocol

  11. 中国最大国有钢铁企业之一山钢集团(ShandongIronandSteelGroup)已同意向非洲矿业(AfricanMinerals)支付8亿美元,加上后续的两笔现金支付,共计15亿美元。

    Shandong Iron and Steel Group , one of China 's largest state-owned mills , has agreed to pay African Minerals $ 800m followed by two other cash payments , totalling $ 1.5bn .

  12. GSK签署的最新协议不涉及现金支付或股权。

    The latest GSK agreement does not involve any cash payment or equity stake .

  13. 利用椭圆曲线上盲签名方法,引入认证中心(CA)作为可信的第三方,构建了一个高效的公平电子现金支付方案。

    The Certificate Authority ( CA ) as the trustee third party is introduced , and an efficient fair electronic cash system is established based on the elliptic curve blind digital signature .

  14. IBM上周表示,一季度已完成10亿美元收购交易,对象是一些经过精心挑选的小型企业,交易主要是以现金支付。

    IBM said last week that it had pulled off $ 1bn of acquisitions in the first quarter , mostly for cash , in a deliberate pick-up in purchases of smaller companies .

  15. 本文的工作是结合国家自然科学基金重大项目电子商务安全支付协议的研究展开的,重点研究如何在不安全的Internet网络上实现一种离线电子现金支付系统的原型系统。

    The work in this thesis is based on the project of national natural science fund of Research on the secure payment protocol for electronic commerce , and focuses on how to implement an off-line electronic cash payment prototype system via the insecure Internet network .

  16. 从很多方面来说,这场危机对中国购车者的影响都应是微乎其微的:jdpower驻上海的迈克尔邓恩(mikedunne)表示,中国93%的购车者仍以全现金支付。

    In many ways , Chinese car buyers ought to have been well insulated from the crisis : according to Mike Dunne of JD Power in Shanghai , 93 per cent of car purchases are still made with cash .

  17. 目前互联网上小额电子现金支付日益频繁,SAS-Coin电子现金方案是一个流行的较为成熟的解决方案之一。

    At present , micro-electronic cash payment is so frequent , SAS-Coin is one of prevalent and mature scheme .

  18. CCRIF将使政府能够购买类似业务中断保险那样的灾害保险,使它们能够在强烈飓风或地震发生之后,尽早获得现金支付。

    The CCRIF will enable governments to purchase catastrophe coverage akin to business interruption insurance that will provide them with an early cash payment after a major hurricane or earthquake .

  19. 与Maitland方案相比,我们的协议具有更少的模运算量和通信量,签名长度也较短,从而更适用于构建离线电子现金支付系统。

    In contrast with the protocol provided by Maitland , not only the modular computation overhead and traffic in ours are reduced dramatically , but also the length of signature becomes even shorter , thus ours protocol is more suitable for constructing e-cash payment than Maitland ' s.

  20. 非现金支付方式并购效应优于现金支付方式。

    Performance of non-cash-paying M A is better than cash-paying M A.

  21. 我怎样才能合理地记录每天的小额现金支付帐目呢?

    How can I record the daily petty cash transactions properly ?

  22. 他把他的股份兑换成现金支付。

    He exchanged his shares of stock for a cash payment .

  23. 务必使用盈余现金支付粮单和欠款。

    Using excess cash to pay bills and debt without fail .

  24. 您用现金支付还是用卡支付?

    Will you be paying in cash or with a card ?

  25. 取得或处置价格中以现金支付的部分;

    The portion of cash paid for the acquisition or disposal ;

  26. 现金支付,还是支票或者记帐?

    Is that gonna be cash , check , or charge ?

  27. 在会议当日注册时间以现金支付,同时领取发票。

    Pay cash at the registration desk and receive a receipt .

  28. 您是现金支付还是用信用卡付账?

    Are you paying in cash or by credit card ?

  29. 请告知以现金支付的最优条款和折扣比例。

    Please state your best terms and discount for cash .

  30. 即使用现金支付,这些额外费用也要照收。

    The add-on charge would have applied , he had paid cash .