
  • 网络existing highway
  1. 现有公路桥梁承载力的分析与评定是当前工程界非常重视的问题。

    More attention is now paid to analysis and assessment of load carrying capacity of the existing highway bridges in engineering circles .

  2. 统计资料显示,我国现有公路桥梁中设计荷载偏低及有各种病变的桥梁占很大比重,如何有效、迅速加固这些桥梁,消除安全隐患,迫在眉睫。

    Statistical information shows that the bridge with low designing load and discusses in the existing highway bridge in China take great proportion , how to strengthen these bridges and eliminate safe hidden trouble efficiently and promptly , is extremely urgent .

  3. 而现有公路系统的先天不足使得公路的抗灾功能极为脆弱,又大大加剧了环境灾害的危害程度。

    The anti-disaster ability of highway system is very vulnerable .

  4. 浅谈现有公路桥梁的现状及对策

    The Situation and Countermeasure of Highway and Bridge

  5. 首先总结分析了现有公路、公路网的评价指标体系;

    Firstly , summarize and analyze the exist index of highway and highway network evaluation .

  6. 我国现有公路中,20世纪90年代修建的已经陆续进入大、中修阶段。

    The freeways built in the 1990s have already entered the stage of heavy and medium maintenance .

  7. 文章通过对现有公路管理办法和营运成本效益调查,分析了产生的现象和原因,提出了公路管理的综合治理思路。

    By making an investigation on management method and operating cost effect , the paper analysed the cause , proposed the thought of comprehensive control .

  8. 从分析我国现有公路状况入手,对公路改造的主要内容进行了介绍,并提出了测量技术在公路改造中的具体应用。

    Analysis is made on the present situation of the highway construction , and discussed the rebuilding objects by providing the application of the measuring techniques .

  9. 伴随着南昌县经济的快速发展,现有公路网建设的滞后性日益突出,直接制约了经济的进一步高速增长。

    With the rapid development of the economy of Nanchang , the lagging of the highway network construction become increasingly significant , directly restraining the further rapid growth of economy .

  10. 因此,必须通过维修和技术改造等途径来提高其技术等级,延长使用寿命,而维修或技术改造的科学性和经济性则应建立在对现有公路路面使用性能的科学评价与预测的基础上。

    Therefore , in order to prolong its service life , we should take some measures such as maintain and improve its quality based on technique to improve its grade .

  11. 本文分析了现有公路网布局评价指标体系,提出基于分形几何学的评价指标&覆盖度,并进行定量的关联分析。

    This paper analyzes current highway network layout evaluation index system . The evaluation index of cover degree is presented based on fractal geometry and correlative analysis is made in quality .

  12. 普尔表示:通过提高性能努力保护现有公路,似乎是我们拥有的最现实的选择方案。收取拥堵费是这样做的一个强有力工具。

    Trying to safeguard existing freeways through higher performance seems the best realistic alternative that we have , Mr Poole says . Congestion pricing is a powerful tool for doing that .

  13. 然后在总结现有公路隧道防排水技术特点的基础上,提出了黄土公路隧道防排水系统宜采用复合防水层为主的适用技术与结构型式,得出了一些有益的结论。

    Secondly , it brings forward that it is a practical technical and structure mode to use the multiple preventing layer as the water preventing and draining system in highway tunnel of loess .

  14. 发展了基于投资乘数计算原理、现有公路工程投资测算、投入产出矩阵组合基础之上的应用方法,克服了常用算法用全社会的消费倾向代替公路投资消费倾向的不足。

    The major contribution of this paper is replacing social marginal consumption by highway marginal consumption via combining the multiplicator calculate and invest-output methods , as well as highway project budget as a whole .

  15. 普尔表示,当前问题的主要解决方法,将是更好地利用现有公路网络。美国的公路多数是在上世纪50年代和70年代修建的。

    According to Mr Poole , the main remedy for present problems will be to make better use of the existing road network , most of which was built between the 1950s and the 1970s .

  16. 目前我国公路建设的重点放在公路的新建与改建上,对现有公路路面养护及技术改造方面的认识与投入严重不足。

    At present , the focal point of our country road construction put on to newly build and reconstruct highway , seriously deficiency on the existence road maintenance and the cognition and devotion of technological transformation .

  17. 通过对公路经营企业资产管理方面的特点进行分析,指出了现有公路经营企业财务评价指标体系的不足,提出了完善该指标体系的基本思路。

    This paper analyzes the existing character of asset-management of highway operating enterprise , and points out the defects of the present financial evaluation index system . It also gives some basic ideas to improve the system .

  18. 研究结果表明,乌昌地区现有公路客运设施无法满足未来该地区公路客运需求,至2020年需要建设7个新的公路客运枢纽站才能较好满足该区域公路客运需求。

    The results show that the passenger transport facilities in Wuchang is not available to meet the future demand , in order to satisfy the demand of road passenger transport , we have to build another 7 passenger stations before 2020 .

  19. 本文就湖北公路交通之特殊性,如何规划好、建设好湖北交通、现有公路交通运输系统的改善、区域公路的规划进行了研究。

    In this paper , according to the characteristic of Hubei highway traffic , programming and construction of Hubei traffic were discussed , as well as the improvement of existing highway traffic and transportation system , and the programming local highway .

  20. 随着近年来公路铁路基础设施建设的快速发展,我国路网密度明显增加,新建桥梁与现有公路、铁路的立体交叉问题日益常见。

    With the rapid development of road and rail infrastructure in recent years , the density of the road network is significantly increased , which commonly leads to the flyover crossing between the new built bridge and the old roads and railways .

  21. 然而,未来公路建设资金供需矛盾十分突出,现有公路建设资金筹资能力十分有限,资金来源结构也不尽合理,融资渠道和融资方式仍显狭窄和单调。

    However , the conflict between the fund supply and demand in road construction is standing out . The current financing capability is limited . The funding compositions are not ideal yet . The financial channels and formations seem to be narrow and monotony .

  22. 山地为主,江河纵横等恶劣的自然条件及相对落后的社会经济状况极大地制约了重庆的公路建设,重庆现有公路交通状况制约了经济的发展。

    The unfavorable natural condition which is characterized by mountainous landscape and interlocking rivers , and the relative backwardness of social and economic development , have hindered the development of the highway transportation in Chongqing and the present disadvantageous traffic condition further restrains economic development .

  23. 为了适应公路运输载重量不断发展的要求,充分利用现有公路桥梁,使之能继续安全地为公路运输服务,必须对桥梁进行鉴定,而对桥梁进行荷载试验便是桥梁鉴定的一个重要手段。

    We must carry out bridge identification to meet the growing load requirements , make full use of highway bridge and make highway bridge serve continuously and securely for highway transportation . And carrying out load test on the bridge is an important means of bridge identification .

  24. 通过分析现有公路路基工程质量控制方法的不足,提出应用多变异图分法来分析施工现场质量变异原因和进行质量控制,并通过实例就该方法的应用进行了说明。

    The shortages of current quality control method for subgrade of highway engineering are analyzed and the method for quality variation based multi vari analysis chart is presented to analyze the root cause of process quality variation and control quality . This method is illustrated by an example .

  25. 要打破我省现有公路养护体制大锅饭,必须解决全省公路养护职工的后顾之忧和必要的补偿费,即必须解决好全省养护职工的养老、失业、医疗三大保险,住房补贴和辞职补偿金;

    If the government want to break the " mess " of the highway cure system , the author suggests that the government has to solve well three major insurances such as retirement , unemployment , medical treatment and Housing allowance and compensation payment of resignation of all maintenance workers .

  26. 由于现有《公路路基设计规范》对20m以上的路堤的边坡形式和坡度没有明确规定。

    Because the side slope form and slope of the embankment above to 20m of the existing " road bed design specification of the highway " do not have clear regulation .

  27. 因此,我们必须对现有的公路养护体制及运行机制进行改革。

    Thus , we must carry out reform in the road maintenance and operational system .

  28. 现有的公路隧道照明系统已经不能适应现阶段的节能减排需求。

    Nowadays , the existing energy saving technology on tunnel lighting can not meet the needs of current demand .

  29. 随着高速公路建设的不断完善,其网络结构正由单一的树状结构向四通八达的网状结构演变,从而会诱发转移一部分交通量,这势必会对现有的公路运输结构以及交通配流产生影响。

    Along with the development of highway construction , the structure is changing from simple tree frame to flexible network structure .

  30. 此外,课题对现有的公路建设项目环境评价中交通噪声预测模型的应用范围和适用条件进行了扩展。

    Besides , the applying scope and condition of noise pollution model in appraisement highway construction environment standard currently in effect is developed .