
xiàn shí zhǔ yì wén xué
  • realistic literature
  1. 情爱主题是俄罗斯现实主义文学的重要观念范畴。

    Love motif is an important concept of Russian realistic literature .

  2. 乡土文学与理论;现实主义文学与批评;

    Local literature and theory , realistic literature and literary Criticism ;

  3. ATaleofTwoCities是19世纪英国现实主义文学最杰出的代表查尔斯·狄更斯的优秀代表作之一。

    A Tale of Two Cities is a masterpiece of Charles Dickens , one of the most outstanding representatives of British Realism Literature in 19th Century .

  4. 丹尼尔·笛福(DanielDefoe,1660~1731)被誉为英国小说之父和欧洲现实主义文学的先驱。

    Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ) is widely regarded as father of English novel and one of the pioneers of realism in European fiction .

  5. 优秀的现实主义文学作品能很好地反照生活。

    Good realistic works can reflect the realities of actual life .

  6. 转型期的现实主义文学争鸣及其反思

    The Argument of Realistic Literature in Transition Period and Its Reflection

  7. 试论胡风现实主义文学观建构的文化断面

    On the Cultural Section of Hu Feng 's Realism Literary Viewing Structure

  8. 茅盾现实主义文学思想的演进

    The Evolvement of Mao Dun 's Ideology on Realistic Literature

  9. 革命现实主义文学英雄理念的反思与阐释

    A Retrospection and Expatiation on Revolutionary Realism 's " Hero Concept "

  10. 新时期现实主义文学发展中的几个问题

    Steady Evolution ── Problems In Development of New-Period Realistic Literature

  11. 20世纪末中国当代现实主义文学创作经历了三次转变。

    The contemporary realism experienced three transformations in the late 20th century .

  12. 孙犁现实主义文学理论批评浅论

    The Simple Study on Sun Li 's Realistic Literary Theory and Criticism

  13. 论丁玲的批判现实主义文学思想

    On Ding Ling 's Literary Idea of Critical Realism

  14. 论十九世纪欧洲现实主义文学的民族差异

    On the National Differences of the Realistic Literature of the 19th Century Europe

  15. 我国现实主义文学理论的三大渊源

    Three Main Sources of Chinese Realistic Literary Theories

  16. 传统现实主义文学强调文学真实是对现实生活的反映。

    Traditional realistic literature emphasizes that literary truthfulness is the reflection of real life .

  17. 论魔幻现实主义文学的魔幻表现手法

    On The Magic Expression Techniques Of Magic Realism

  18. 茅盾的创作心理初探十九世纪法国现实主义文学对茅盾创作的影响

    The Impact of the 19th-century French Realist Literature on Mao Dun 's Literary Creation

  19. 约翰·高尔斯华绥是英国现实主义文学史上的杰出作家。

    John Galsworthy is an outstanding writer in the history of English realistic literature .

  20. 论日本视野中的中国现实主义文学思潮接受

    China 's Acceptance of Realistic Thoughts of Literature : A " Japanese Perspective "

  21. 问题小说是现实主义文学的一个分支。

    Problem novel is a sub-genre of realism .

  22. 新写实小说与现实主义文学观念的嬗变

    " The New Realism " Novels and Evolution of the Concept of Realistic Literary

  23. 这一心态成为现实主义文学迅速发展的心理基础。

    This spirit became the psychological base of the rapid development of realism in literature .

  24. 转型与嬗变&新时期现实主义文学的精神走向

    The Pattern Transform and Transmutation : On the Spiritual Trend of the New-period Realistic Literature

  25. 谈魔幻现实主义文学作品的特点

    On Features of Magic Realism Literature Works

  26. 亨利.詹姆斯是19世纪美国现实主义文学的三大倡导者之一。

    Henry James is one of the three pioneers of American Realism in the 19th century .

  27. 欧洲各国现实主义文学关系的主流是俄国和西欧文学间的交互影响;

    The mutual influence of realistic literature among European nations was the mainstream of literary connections .

  28. 就外国现实主义文学思潮对中国现代诗歌的影响作历时的考察,是必要的。

    This paper reviews chronologically the influences of foreign realistic literature on Chinese modernists ' poetry .

  29. 19世纪的俄罗斯文学达到了世界批判现实主义文学的最高峰。

    Russian literature of critical realism in the 19th century reached its peak in the world .

  30. 这些创作漫谈,不仅体现了欧阳山的现实主义文学创作观,而且也影响着欧阳山一生的文学创作。

    The latter represent his realistic literary creation ideology and had affected his life long literary creation .