
  • 网络Fieldbus standards;ProfiBus
  1. PROFIBUS是目前适用于整个电厂过程工业的单一现场总线标准,且产品系列齐全;

    With full series of products , PROFIBUS is the only field bus criteria applicable to the entire power plant operative process .

  2. 此外介绍DCS向FCS过渡的现场总线标准&HART通信协议及基于HART协议的智能仪表的结构及功能。

    In addition , HART protocol which can transit DCS to FCS , structures and functions of intelligent instrument based on HART are also introduced .

  3. 从发展的角度,为谋取广泛的生产厂商硬软件产品支持,避免系统重构的风险,大型火力发电厂的控制系统宜考虑采用符合世界主流的PROFIBUS或FF现场总线标准。

    To have the wide support from hardware and software producers and avoid the risks of repetitious system building , large thermal power plants shall consider introducing world-popular field bus criteria : PROFIBUS or FF .

  4. 但是现场总线标准种类繁多。

    But Field Bus has a great variety of standards .

  5. 介绍一种接口电路,可采集符合现场总线标准的直流电信号。

    The interface circuit described is able to collect signal D.C according with fieldbus standard .

  6. 基于基金会现场总线标准的用户层协议的实现有助于开发面向仪器、仪表等控制设备的应用,促进我国自控技术的数字化、智能化进程。

    Implementation of user layer protocol is helpful for the development of digital and intelligent automatic control system .

  7. 在当前工业控制领域中,工业以太网成为控制网络发展的焦点与趋势,人们试图用以太网统一现场总线标准。

    Industrial Ethernet has been the focus in current control field , people attempt to use Ethernet to unify fieldbus standard .

  8. 长期以来,工业自动化领域采用的现场总线标准众多,各具特点,互通性较差。

    Over the years , the field bus standards applied in industrial automation field are complicated with distinct characteristics and poor interoperability .

  9. 但长期以来现场总线标准的多样性和互不兼容阻碍了现场总线技术的进一步发展,也使得系统集成与信息集成面临着诸多困难。

    However , multiplicity and incompatibly of Field-bus standard has hindered its further development , also causes that system and information integration is facing many difficulties .

  10. 并将现场总线标准中的CAN用于矿井监测系统中,实现一种既能多主网络运行,又经济实用的矿井监测系统的设计思想。

    This paper puts forward CAN ( Controller Area Network ) field bus in the mine monitoring system to realize the design thought that mine monitoring system is economical , which can run at multi-master .

  11. 到九十年代末,随着国际现场总线标准的制定,全分散式的、全开放式的现场总线控制系统的诞生,对仪表智能化、总线化的需求增加。

    At the end of nineties of 20 century , the international field-bus standard was established ; the entirely dispersed and entirely open field-bus system is produced ; the requirement of the instrument-intellectualization and field-bus had become more urgent .

  12. AS-Interface现场总线国家标准GB/T18858.2分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of New Standard GB / T18858.2 for AS-Interface

  13. 下一代现场总线新标准&高速实时以太网PROFINET

    New Standard of Next Generation & PROFINET

  14. 现场总线的标准发展

    The Standard and Evolution of Field bus

  15. 目前现场总线多标准并存的现状导致的标准不统一和生产设备的兼容性问题,是现场总线亟待解决的问题之一。

    The field-bus ' actuality of multi-standard coexisting causes problems of the compatibility of product devices . This is also one of the problems that we must deal with immediately .

  16. 在目前的智能传感器网络里,由于现场总线接口标准繁多,各厂商之间的传感器很难实现互操作性和互换性,从而增加了网络化智能传感器系统的研发、集成和维护难度。

    In the current smart sensor network there are too many field-bus interface standards , which enhances the difficulty to make sensors from different companies interoperable and interchangeable . So it becomes harder to develop , integrate and maintain the network sensor system .

  17. 现场总线技术及标准化现状

    The Current Status of Field bus Standardize

  18. IEC61158-2是适合于恶劣工业环境使用的工业现场总线物理层标准。

    IEC 61158 - 2 is the international standard of physical layer for use in industrial critical applications or industrial severe environment .

  19. FF现场总线是符合IEC61158标准的总线,侧重于过程控制自动化领域。

    FF is accorded with the IEC61158 standard , it lays on the automation field of process control .

  20. 基金会现场总线(FF)是众多现场总线中,在面向过程控制领域中最为先进的现场总线标准。

    Foundation field bus ( FF ) is the most advanced standard about process control .

  21. 现场总线近年来成为国际上过程控制领域的关注热点,本文介绍了近两年来有关现场总线标准的制定及现场总线产品的开发情况。

    Internationally , the field bus is becoming popular in the domain of process control . Working-out of field bus standards and development of its products in the past two years are introduced in this article .