
  • 网络modern medicines;Modern drug;modem drugs
  1. 国家发展现代药和传统药,充分发挥其在预防、医疗和保健中的作用。

    The State shall develop both modern and traditional medicines encourage their role in the prevention and treatment of diseases and in health care .

  2. 祖国医学对DR的认识综述祖国医学对DR病名、病因病机、治法方药的认识,及现代中医药防治DR临床及实验研究进展。

    We summarized the evolve on name , etiology , pathogenesis , prevention and therapy , herbs and experimental of DR in Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) .

  3. 现代中医药方剂在抗运动性疲劳中的应用

    Modern traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions in the treatment of athletic fatigue

  4. 本部分从古代文献、现代中医药相关文献资料入手,进行分析。

    This section analyzes the ancient and modern related Chinese medicine literature .

  5. 临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  6. 目的:探讨穴位给药在现代给药途径中的意义。

    Objective : To explore significance of acupoint drug administration in the modern administration .

  7. 现代中医药发展战略思考

    The Modern Chinese Medicine Developmental Strategy Ponders

  8. 把握现代中医药大学的转型和取向,必须与社会变革相适应。

    The renovation and orientation of modern university of traditional Chinese medicine should be adapted to the social renovation .

  9. 现在在吃了这么多现代医学药之后,越来越多的人开始将草药医学作为另一种治疗方法。

    Nowadays , more and more people are turning to herbal medicine as an alternative , after relying so much on mainstream medicine .

  10. 法医病理鉴定中的医学伦理学问题探讨临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    The Bioethics Issues in Judicial Expertise Work in Forensic Pathology ; Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  11. 现代中医药抑郁症临床研究主要包括病因病机、辨证论治研究和中药实验研究。

    Modern Chinese Medicine clinical study of depression includes etiology detecting pathogenesis , treatment based on the differential diagnosis and using of Chinese medicine .

  12. 在新药临床试验中开展临床研究协调员工作临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    Work experience of clinical research coordinator in clinical trials of new drugs Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  13. 现代方药证治规律研究1.研究方法现代方剂的选择以维普数据库为主要检索途径,结合图书手工检索方式。

    ⅱ Study on the law of modern differentiation therapies and prescriptions (ⅰ) MethodsThe choice of the modern prescriptions depends on the VIP database as the main retrieval , combining with manual retrieval methods .

  14. 方法:应用传统中医思维研究方法和现代方药文献统计学方法,对中医外科常用内治方剂与中医其它基础方剂抽样对照研究;

    Method By combining researching methods of TCM view with documental statistics of modern herb-medicine prescription in TCM surgery with the Samples of other basic herb-medicine prescriptions from contemporary well-known TCM doctors in clinical practice .

  15. 要从以上4个方面进行深化改革,提高教学质量,以期合理建构中药学教学内容以适应现代中医药教学的需要。

    The four above aspects are researched for further reform and improvement of teaching quality so as to suit needs of teaching of modern Chinese medicine with reasonable construction of teaching contents of Chinese materia medica .

  16. 要把中医药理论的特色和优势同现代中医药研究密切结合起来,发展中医理论,最终实现中医理论现代化。

    The authors of the article think it necessary to closely integrate the characteristics and advantages of TCM theories with the study of modern TCM so as to develop TCM theories and realize their modernization in the end .

  17. 通过整理大量的现代中医药文献,总结了现代医家对痰证本质的研究成果,及痰证、伏痰在现代医学病种中的体现及相关研究成果。

    This paper collates massive information of TCM literature , summarizes the research of modern physicians on the nature of " tan " as well as the embodiment of " tan " in TCM and the relevant research achievement .

  18. 为此,在大学的学科类别结构上要作战略性调整,在人才培养模式上要有创新整合教育理念,培养出高素质综合性的人才;作为外向型现代中医药大学还要作办学模式的转型;

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a strategic adjustment in the structure of subject category , to have an educational idea of creative combination in the mode of fostering talents to foster comprehensive talents with high temperament .

  19. 认为中医类专业医学细胞生物学课程要更多地吸收现代中医药的研究成果,明确重点和知识点,加强多媒体教学。

    The writer believes that more progress made in modern research of Chinese medicine should be added to the course , important points and knowledge points should be made clear , and the part of multimedia teaching should be strengthened .

  20. 先将文献研究法收集而来的治疗卵巢早衰的古代方药和现代方药进行数据的规范化处理,主要是中药名的规范统一。

    Firstly , the ancient prescriptions and modern prescriptions for treatment of premature ovarian failure collected by the means of literature research method are subject to data standardization processing , and it is mainly about the unity of Chinese medicine name .

  21. 建立正确而科学的现代高等中医药教育的人才质量标准;

    Correct and scientific quality criteria for professional evaluation of modern higher education of TCM should be set up ;

  22. 点传火技术是大口径火炮装药中的关键技术之一,现代火炮装药中几乎全部选择了中心点火的结构形式。

    The technology of ignition and flame spreading is one of key technology of charge design in large caliber guns , which almost chose center core igniter system .

  23. 吴茱萸汤现代临床应用证药规律分析

    Regularity of Syndrome and Medication of Wuzhuyu Decoction in Modern Clinical Application

  24. 开展方剂的现代研究是中医药现代化研究的重要组成部分。

    Study of TCM formulae is an important part of the study of Chinese medicines .

  25. 系统论与现代中药复方释药系统理论探讨

    The discussion on the system theory and the drug delivery system of the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription

  26. 但是在中医理论的指导下,运用现代技术改良中医药的制剂、方法、用药途径等将有广阔的治疗前景。

    Under guide of TCM theory , applying modern technology to improve TCM preparation and medication has broad future .

  27. 系统论是现代中药复方释药系统的基础理论之一。

    The system theory is one basal theory of the drug delivery system of the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription .

  28. 应用现代分析技术对药芯焊丝制造工艺中的润滑材料进行了分析研究。

    In this paper modern analysis techniques have been employed to analyze and study technology lubricants for making flux core welding wire .

  29. 在当今快速发展的现代社会,中医药研究与生产依然方兴未艾,在国民经济中始终发挥着重要作用。

    With the rapid development of the modern society , the research and production of Traditional Chinese Medicine is always on the rise and playing an important role in the national economy .

  30. 本文通过对系统论和现代中药复方释药系统的概念和特点的深刻剖析,详细阐述了系统论和现代中药复方释药系统的关系以及中医和西医在思维方式上的差别;

    Through the profound analysis to the conception and feature of the system theory and the drug delivery system of the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription , the article expounded the relationship of them , and also explained the differences thinking mode between Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine .