
wài yònɡ yào
  • medicine for external use;external medicine;medicine for external application
  1. 很难将中国古代的生活美容与医学美容截然分开,化妆品实际是中医外用药的同义语。

    It is difficult to completely separate the China ancient life cosmetology from medical cosmetology . Cosmetic is Chinese medicine for external use in essence .

  2. GR组MAP在硬膜外用药15min、意识消失时、插管后1min,与GC组相比有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The MAP value 15 minutes after epidural injection , during consciousness disappear and 1 min after tracheal intubations in ropivacaine group were lower , compared with control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 目的:评价罗哌卡因硬膜外用药后对老年患者全麻诱导期异丙酚靶控输注(TCI)时镇静催眠作用的影响,并探讨其可能的机制。

    Objective : To observe influences of ropivacaine in epidural anesthesia on effects of propofol target-controlled infusion during induction of general anesthesia in elderly patients , and to discuss the probably mechanism .

  4. 两组病人的基础BIS值,硬膜外用药15min后、意识消失时、插管时及插管后BIS值均无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    There was no significant difference between the two groups in the basal BIS value , BIS value 15 minutes after epidural injection , during consciousness disappear , the BIS value during and after tracheal intubations ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 他把外用药内服了。

    He took internally what was meant for external application .

  6. 药物分为内服药与外用药两类。中药、西药及相关药物概念内涵的辨析

    Analysis on Concept Connotation of TCM , Western Medicine and Concerned Drugs

  7. 淋巴液是治疗烧伤的新型局部外用药。

    Lymph is a new kind of drug for treating scalds and burns .

  8. 氦氖激光与局部外用药

    He-Ne laser and medicine for local external use

  9. 特应性皮炎皮损微生物与外用药对比治疗研究

    Study on Microbes on Skin Lesions and a Controlled Topical Treatment Trial in Atopic Dermatitis

  10. 结论:湿疹乳膏是安全的新型外用药。

    Conclusion Eczema Creams was a newly creams which could be used safely and handily .

  11. 结论:湿润烧伤膏是一种效果显著的治疗皮肤软组织挫擦伤的首选外用药。

    Conclusion : MEBO is superior to complex iodine in treating skin and soft tissue abrasion .

  12. 心理药理学及药物滥用?心理药理学及药物滥用?药物分为内服药与外用药两类。

    Division 28 . Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse Medicines are broadly classed as internal or external ones .

  13. 但儿童头癣,尤其是脓癣,不口服抗真菌药物,只用外用药是无法治愈的。

    However tinea capitis especially kerion can not be cured only by external ointments without antifungal medicine in children .

  14. 这是口服药,那是外用药。她是通过口服用药的。

    This is for oral administration , and that 's for external use . he was administered the drug orally .

  15. 硬膜外用药为10∶2.5混合液(2%利多卡因:1%地卡因)。

    " 10:2 . 5 " mixture ( 2 % lidocaine : 1 % Dicaine ) was administered in epidural anesthesia .

  16. 结论愈伤膏作为一种外用药对烫伤治疗可有效预防创面感染、减少炎性渗出、促进伤口愈合。

    Conclusion As an external used ointment , the Yushang ointment can prevent injury infection , reduce inflammatory exudation and accelerate wound healing .

  17. 中医外用药治疗疮疡有着悠久的历史,目前肛周脓肿术后创面的换药是一个相对棘手的问题。

    TCM external use treatment ulcers has a long history , current anus week abscess of postoperative wound mixture is a relatively difficult problems .

  18. 澳大利亚科学家最近宣布,他们发现了柠檬汁的新用途&既可作避孕外用药又可杀死艾滋病病毒。

    Australian scientists believe they have rediscovered an effective use for lemon juice & as a contraceptive and also a killer of the AIDS virus .

  19. 治疗:给予常规抗病毒、营养神经、调节免疫力、局部外用药、微波、针灸、拔罐等治疗。

    Treatments : Treat with the routine anti-virus , nutrition nerves , regulating immunity , topical cream , microwave , acupuncture , cupping and so on .

  20. 并分析了上述几种外用药的治疗效果。结果:提示伏碘软膏+溃疡糊、粉组在创面抗感染,促进创面愈合及脱腐等方面有较好的效果。

    Results : It was shown that FIpaste + Comfeel Ulcer paste / powder was the best in anti infection , promoting wound recovery and discharging rotten tissues .

  21. 我院2005~2007年妇科外用药应用情况调查大学生用药知识和用药行为的调查及分析

    Analysis of the Utilization of Gynecological Drugs for External Use in Our Hospital During the Period 2005 ~ 2007 Investigation on Knowledge and Behavior in Medicine Administer Among College Students

  22. 而中医外用药在局部能够在改善创面微循环、抗炎、抑制氧化应激,促进糖尿病足溃疡愈合并且减轻疼痛方面。

    The external use Chinese medicine can improve wound in the local microcirculation , anti-inflammatory , inhibition of oxidative stress , promote healing of diabetic foot ulcers and reduce pain areas .

  23. 西医以维A酸类、免疫抑制剂和抗肿瘤药为主要的内服治疗药物,外用药有卡泊三醇、他扎罗汀、焦油、糖皮质激素等,毒副作用较为明显,且价格昂贵。

    In western medicine , the main oral drugs contain tretinoin , immunosuppressant and antineoplastic ; the main drugs for external use are calcipotriol , tazarotene , tar , glucocorticoid and so on .

  24. 毒理实验结果表明烧伤酊对皮肤仅有轻微的刺激反应及过敏反应。结论:红要子烧伤酊是一种副作用小、使用安全可靠的中药类烧伤创面外用药,值得进一步推广应用。

    Conclusion : Burn tincture is a kind of external use Traditional Chinese medicine for burn wound , which is with minor side effects , safety and reliability in use and worth of spreading .

  25. 方法以紫外线测试仪测定2台低压汞灯对11种外用药和2种化妆品照射后中短波紫外线的相对强度。

    Methods The UV luminometer was used to measure the relative intensity of UVB and UVC after irradiation of 2 low pressure mercury lamps on 11 kinds of external used medicines and 2 kinds of cosmetics .

  26. 颈牵配合腹针治疗颈椎病98例小结一过性颈髓损害表现,以及通过简单的颈部制动、牵引、封闭、推拿、理疗与外用药就可以改善症状。

    Combined neck traction and abdominal acupuncture to treating 98 cases of cervical syndrome The symptoms were easy to be improved by neck motion control , neck traction , block therapy , massage and physiotherapy lamp .

  27. 加拿大皇家外科医学院妇产科院士2004~2008年我院妇科外用药应用分析

    " Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Royal College of Surgeons of Canada [ FRCSC ( Obstetrics and Gynaecology ) ] " Utilization of Gynecological Medicines for External Use in Our Hospital During 2004 ~ 2008

  28. 结论:1450nm激光联合外用药治疗中度寻常性痤疮疗效较好,与口服维胺酯联合外用药治疗疗效相当,且无明显不良反应。

    Conclusion : Combination of 1 450 nm laser with topical drugs showed a good clinical efficacy and no severe side effect in the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris . It is as effective as oral viaminate with topical drugs .

  29. 治疗期间,两组均不使用外用药,治疗期间忌食辛辣刺激及鱼虾蟹等食物,多喝水,多吃水果蔬菜,忌烟、酒,忌用肥皂热水烫洗。

    During treatment , the two groups were not using drugs , during treatment with acrimony stimulation and fish shrimp and other food , drink plenty of water , eat more fruits and vegetables , not to smoke , drink , do not use soap and hot water .

  30. 目的:比较硬膜外辅助用药的作用。

    Objective : To compare the effect of adjuvants for epidural blockade .