
  • 网络RING SPINNING;ring-spinning;DREF-Ring
  1. 环锭纺纱机上的集聚技术

    Centralizing Technique in Ring Spinning Frame

  2. 用于毛纺加工系统的环锭纺纱新技术

    New techniques of ring spinning used for woolen yarn system s

  3. 用于环锭纺纱机模块化传动系统的冷却盘

    Cold plate cooling on modular drive system in ring spinning frames

  4. 环锭纺纱线张力方程的建立及其应用

    The Formation of Ring & spinning Tension Equation and Its Application

  5. 紧密纺与普通环锭纺纱线性能的对比研究

    Research on performances of compact spun yarn and ring spun yarn

  6. 纺机绿丙烯酸醇酸磁漆精梳毛纺用环锭纺纱机

    Spinning machine green acrylic-alkyd enamel Ring-spinning frames for worsted spinning system

  7. 比较了紧密纺和环锭纺纱线的试验结果。

    The results of compact and ring yarns are compared .

  8. 环锭纺纱机塑料绕线筒

    Ring spinning frame for worsted yarn plastic bobbins for ring spinning frames

  9. 影响环锭纺纱捻度不匀的因素分析

    Analysis of Factors on Unconformity of Twist of Ring-spun Yarns

  10. 减少环锭纺纱毛羽的新思路&错位纺纱

    A new idea to reduce ring spinning yarn hairiness & mismatch spinning

  11. 环锭纺纱卷绕张力的计算与测试

    Calculation and measurement of wind tension in ring spinning

  12. 环锭纺纱毛羽成因分析

    Cause Analyses of Formation on Ring Spun Hairiness

  13. 利用环锭纺纱工艺纺制单根纱线的最后一个工序是细纱。

    The final process in ring spinning of single yarn is the spinning operation .

  14. 棘轮,制轮,闸轮精梳毛纺用环锭纺纱机

    Ratchet wheel Ring-spinning frames for worsted spinning system

  15. 棉纺环锭纺纱卷捻部分的现代化特征

    The Modern Characteristics of Winding and Twisting Section in Ring Spin of Cotton Yarn

  16. 气流纺纱是一种常用的纺纱方法,并且已经取代了一些环锭纺纱设备。

    Rotor spinning is a popular process and has replaced some ring - spinning units .

  17. 环锭纺纱设备可变化的自动化传输系统

    Ring spinning installations with customized automation solution

  18. 通过实验,比较了紧密纺纱线与普通环锭纺纱线的性能。

    The performances of compact spun yarn and ring spun yarn are compared through experiments .

  19. 环锭纺纱线张力分析

    Analysis of Ring - spun Yarn Tension

  20. 减少纱线毛羽的喷气-环锭纺纱方法的研究

    Jet-ring spinning for reducing yarn hairiness

  21. 环锭纺纱线气圈的研究

    Analysis of Ring Spinning Ballon Yarn

  22. 为达到减少环锭纺纱线毛羽的目的,采用了错位纺纱的试验方案。

    The technique of mismatch spinning to reduce ring spinning yarn hairiness is described in detail .

  23. 麻纤维用环锭纺纱机

    Ring-spinning frames for bast fibres spinning

  24. 半精梳毛纺用环锭纺纱机

    Ring-spinning frames for semi-worsted spinning system

  25. 丝束直接纺纱用环锭纺纱机

    Ring-spinning frames for direct spinning

  26. 自捻纺纱与环锭纺纱相比,成本较低,生产率高,而且节省人工。

    Self - twist spinning produces yarns more cheaply than ring spinning and considerably faster with less labor .

  27. 与传统环锭纺纱工艺相比,集聚纺纱技术可纺更细的纱线。

    In comparison to conventional technology , the compact spinning process offers the possibility of spinning considerably finer yarns .

  28. 未来磁-机械紧密纺纺纱装置将会成为现代环锭纺纱机的标准设备。

    In the foreseeable future the magnetic-machanical compacts spinning system will become the standard equipment of modern ring spinning frames .

  29. 用力学分析法建立了环锭纺纱机上气圈纱曲线方程式,运用数值方法求解和分析,给出了有、无空气阻力时纱曲线形态图;

    The formula about the curve of spinning balloon is set up by dynamic analysis and using numerical methods to solve .

  30. 旋流喷嘴是一种能够减少环锭纺纱线毛羽的装置,该装置利用内部特殊结构使通入的压缩空气产生旋转气流并作用于纱线,从而减少纱线毛羽。

    Swirling nozzle is an installation which uses special internal structure to change compressed air into rotation airflow to reduce hairiness .