
huán rào lì tǐ shēnɡ
  • surrounding sound
  1. 这是一台大屏幕环绕立体声电视机。

    It 's a large screen set with surrounding sound .

  2. 3D环绕立体声技术的数字化

    The Digitalization of 3D Surround Stereophonic Technology

  3. 环绕立体声处理ASIC中并行乘法器的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of parallel multiplier used in the surround sound processing ASIC

  4. MLS环绕立体声专为轿车车厢的特点进行了量身设计和优化。

    MLS is the only expression of surround sound which has been designed and optimized specifically for the challenges and characteristics exhibited by an automotive passenger cabin .

  5. XperiaZ的扬声器位于底部边缘,即使将机身平放在桌面,也不会影响其全方位环绕立体声效。

    The Z 's speaker openings are smartly situated on the bottom and side edges , giving a full , surround-sound effect that doesn 't get muffled when you put it down on a table .

  6. 最后介绍了环绕立体声技术的新发展。

    The new development of surround stereo system technology were introduced .

  7. 就像置身于响着环绕立体声的电影院一样。

    It 's like being in a movie theater with surround sound .

  8. 家庭影院环绕立体声系统设计

    Surround Stereo Technology and Family Cinema AV System Design

  9. 这个房间配备了环绕立体声。

    The room is wired for surround sound .

  10. 环绕立体声(三)体视投影与三维画

    Surround Stereo Stereo - projection and 3-D Picture

  11. 虚拟环绕立体声重放技术探讨

    Virtual Surround Sound Replay Technology

  12. 几种环绕立体声系统性能分析

    Analyses on surround stereo

  13. 它的虚拟环绕立体声效果令我印象深刻,但低音效果不够吸引人。

    I was impressed with the virtual surround-sound effects but found the bass from the speakers lacking in oomph .

  14. 在狮子王的展区,游客们只要站在指定位置就可以以环绕立体声的效果聆听来自影片中的歌曲。

    In the Lion King section , stand at a designated position and enjoy the songs from the film in surround sound .