
Environment Administrative procedure plays Role in Environmental Rule of law
The environmental administrative procedure has its particularities : It tends to be connected with science and technology ; To protect environment is to make policy on the unknown , which risks great dangers ;
On the Value Of Environmental Administrative Hearing Procedure
This paper begins with the basic theory of the environmental administrative hearing procedure , and brings forward the conception , specialty and important meaning of the environmental administrative hearing procedure .
In the application ranges part of hearing procedure , detailedly introduces the questions about the law stipulate , practice application and analysis on exist problems of environmental administrative hearing procedure in China .
According to the demand of Administrative Punishment , the problems and adaptation in observance of notifying program in administrative punishment of environmental protective law are discussed .
Meanwhile , the characteristics and difficulties of the environmental administration decide that it is necessary for the environmental administration to enforce legitimate legal procedure .
To establish and perfect the controlling power mechanism of environmental administrative law , it include three respects : to perfect comprehensive controlling power mechanism , to perfect the environmental administrative procedure legal system and to establish the environmental administrative public good lawsuit system .
To change our country 's presence of " Emphasizing substance , understating procedure ", the dissertation suggests to shift the focus of environmental legislative construction to the enforcement of environmental protection legal rules and regulations , which is a breakthrough in the field of environmental administrative procedure .