
  1. 另外,在我国还有环境行政处罚听证制度。

    There also is a environmental administrative penalty hearing system in China .

  2. 环境行政处罚的停止执行与放弃执行权

    Stopping Execution and Abandoning Execution Right in Environmental Administrative Punishment

  3. 环境行政处罚权的行政委托

    Administrative Entrustment of Environmental Administrative Punishment Right

  4. 与此同时,环境行政处罚自身也存在功能最大化的界碑。

    At the same time , environmental administrative penalty itself has the mere stone of function to be maximized .

  5. 对环境行政处罚裁量基准的司法监督、行政内部监督、公众监督进行了分析,提出了完善的建议。

    Suggestions for improvement is raised based on the analysis of judicial supervision , administrative internal supervision and public inspection .

  6. 环境行政处罚中自由裁量权的应用及规范环境污染纠纷调处与环境行政处罚之区别浅析&兼与章锦华同志商榷

    On Application and Standard of Right of Discretion in Punishment of Environmental Administration Differences Between Arbitration and Administrative Penalization of Environment Pollution Disputes

  7. 本文就环境行政处罚裁量基准设定的必要性与强制性、控制技术及监督制约进行了深入的分析。

    This article explores into the necessity , mandatory , control technique , supervision and restraint of discretionary benchmarks of environmental administrative penalty .

  8. 从微观层面来看,一方面,通过对环境行政处罚法律关系的静态解构,可以得出其主体多元性、对象片面性、客体复杂性的特质。

    In microcosmic way , on the one hand , the author educes the character of mulriple subject , one-sided object , and complicated target by deconstructing legal relationship of environmental administrative penalty .

  9. 环境行政处罚所依托的政治文化背景取向和谐,与之相涉的刑法、行政法、环境法则分别呈现谦抑、权力淡化、利益促进性规则引入的走向。

    The political culture which is the background of environmental administrative penalty is harmonious . And criminal law , administrative law , environmental law which are all connected with environmental administrative penalty appear to be modest , dilute and beneficial separately .

  10. 浅谈环境保护行政处罚中告知程序

    The Correct Observance of Notifying Program in Administrative Punishment

  11. 本文根据《行政处罚法》的要求,阐述了环境保护行政处罚告知程序在履行中存在的问题和加强这一工作的具体措施与步骤,有较强的操作性、指导性与实践性。

    According to the demand of Administrative Punishment , the problems and adaptation in observance of notifying program in administrative punishment of environmental protective law are discussed .

  12. 从现行环境法律规定分析,环境监理机构行使行政处罚权必须受环境保护行政主管部门委托,所作行为属环境保护行政主管部门的具体行政行为;

    Analysing from the existing environmental law rules the environmental monitoring institute must be commissioned by the environmental administrative authority to implement administrative punishment and its implementing action is the concrete administrative activity of the environmental administrate authorities .