
mǎ yǎ yí zhǐ
  • Mayan ruins
  1. 在中美洲度假的时候,我们参观了古玛雅遗址。

    We visited the ancient Mayan ruins on our vacation to Central America .

  2. 伯利兹城最富盛名的旅游胜地莫过于巨大的水下天坑--蓝色巨洞以及玛雅遗址。

    The most famous tourist attractions in Belize include the Great Blue Hole , a giant submarine sinkhole and the Mayan ruins .

  3. 他帮助科学家发掘墨西哥的玛雅印第安人遗址。

    He helped scientists to discover Maya Indian ruins in Mexico .

  4. 她在玛雅文化遗址得到那些东西的。

    She got those at the Mayan ruins .

  5. 中美州是那些喜欢远离喧嚣人群的旅行者的理想之地。对他们而言,那里埋藏着太多的秘密宝藏,其中包括远古玛雅人的遗址。

    Central American is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds , including numerous ancient Maya settlements .

  6. 我喜欢去参观玛雅文化,浏览玛雅金字塔,探索玛雅遗址。

    I love going out to Chichen Itza and climbing the pyramids and seeing the ancient ruins .