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  1. 王闿运是中国近代史上具有重要影响的政治和学术人物。

    WANG Kai-yun is an outstanding figure in modem Chinese history .

  2. 张之洞与王闿运始终往来不断。

    Zhang Zhi-dong and always Wang Kai-yun exchanges .

  3. 王闿运与王先谦在近代史上并称湖南“二王,”他们都与湖南书院改制有非常密切的关系。

    They all bear very close relation to the change of academy system in Hunan Province .

  4. 在晚清湖湘学人中,王闿运以其放荡不羁的性格与乐极进遥的人生态度而别具一格。

    Wang Kaiyun was noticed by his unconventional disposition and carefree life among these Hunan scholars in Late Qing dynasty .

  5. 文章首先从时代背景、形成过程及其成因对王闿运的史学思想进行历史考察;

    Firstly , the article made a historical inspect about living surroundings , forming process and original causes of Wang 's historical thought .

  6. 接着选取了经史之辨、治史之要、以诗论史等三个主要方面分析了王闿运史学思想的内涵;

    And it analyzed the important distinct between Confucian classics and history , the main points of studying history and recording history with poetry .

  7. 王闿运不认同西式学堂教育,主张在传统书院教育体制之内改善书院教育,船山书院在其主掌之下至1915年方改为学堂;

    WANG Kai Yun was not in favor of westernized education system and insisted on the reform of academy education system must be carried out under the framework of traditional academy system .