
  1. 王昶及其诗观研究。

    A study on Wang Chang and his views on poetry .

  2. 王昶不仅是金石大家,而且是著名编纂家。

    Wang Chang is not only a epigrapher , but also a famous compilers .

  3. 王昶的文学文献学研究

    Study of Wang Chang 's Literary Philology

  4. 王昶是清代乾嘉时期的著名学者。

    Wang Chang is a well-known famous scholar during Qianlong and Jiaqing period of the Qing dynasty .

  5. 文章从五个方面对王昶及其词学活动进行宏观把握与整体观照,深入追溯背后的文化意蕴、社会渊源,并给予尽量客观的评价。

    This thesis gives an overall study about Wangchang and his Ci poem , focusing on the culture implication and social sources and trying to give comments as object as possible .