
  • Excalibur;Conan the Barbarian
  1. 他们把这把剑叫做王者之剑,这柄剑似乎带给他们一切之前想要的。

    They called the sword Excalibur , and it seemed everything they had asked .

  2. 我认为他会选择王者之剑,因为甚至连他都觉得在这湖下思考权衡不大容易。

    I think he will choose Excalibur , for even he finds it difficult to think down here , under the lake .

  3. 皇兄还对我夫君说,“如果你能让公主尽享鱼水之欢,我就赐你这把王者之剑。”这他才来了劲儿。

    He told my husband ," if you make your wife happy with lucks , I will give you this Emperor 's sword . " That got him going .

  4. 于是,我便静静的坐在我的山岗上,看着成千上万的野蛮人仍在入侵。自从人们知道使用剑的人必死无疑后便几乎没人敢哪怕碰一下王者之剑。

    But I sat silent in my hill , the barbarians still came in their thousands , and there were few who dared to wield Excalibur , knowing that they would surely die .