- 名corn flour;cornmeal;cornstarch;polenta;posho;cornmeal flour

Many mediums such as Richard 's , PDA , PSA , cornmeal agar , and oatmeal agar were good for the pathogen growth .
Medium components of carbon and nitrogen were studied by quadrate experiment and the optimum medium included sucrose 1 % , Cornmeal 2 % , Peptone 0.3 % , Soybean powder 3 % and Ammonia sulfate 0.5 % as well .
Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water .
Group C , treated with low choline maize powder only ;
Determination of aflatoxins B_1 , B_2 , G_1 , G_2 in fermented maize meal by HPLC
So the function relation between the rheological characteristics parameter k , n and mass ratio and temperature was gotten in the study .
Before and after the expanding process quantities of protein , fat , carbohydrate , Ca , P. , Fe , VB_1 , VB_2 and amino acids of the soybean and corn powder were measured .
The maize meal agar , oat agar and PDA media were the suitable medium for the pathogen growth and conidia production .
Based on the near-infrared spectra of corn flour , the information can be abstracted by partial least-square regression ( PLS ) .
The hydrolysis rates of the raw corn flour hydrolyzed by the crude extracts after 24 hours was 88.57 % and 86.88 % respectively ;
The result showed that the optimal carbon source and nitrogen source was corn flour and bean cake flour , respectively , and pH 5 and 26 ℃ was the optimally initial pH and temperature , respectively .
The analysis on TLC spectrum of lipid composition showed that , the number and Rf value of spots in maize flour cultured hypha was the same to that in wild one .
While corn meal , ( NH4 ) 2SO4 and wheat bran were its optimal nitrogen sources .
It is concluded that ESR technique could be used to detect whether the starch food ( maize powder , wheat powder and glutinous rice powder ) was irradiated or not .
The conditions of lactic acid fermentation by lactobacillus delbruckii ZL-513 using corn starch as raw material were studied .
The effects of the geminated corn flour ( germination for 6 days ) on the lactic acid fermentation and dough fermentation were studied .
Biosynthesis of carotenoid by the two steps fermentation of the red yeast Rhodotorula sp. with various moulds in corn powder broth was studied .
An ic-ELISA for detecting fumonisin B2 ( FB2 ) of maizena was developed by using the coating antigen of OVA-FB2 and competitive antigen of FB2 .
The optimum working conditions found for liquefaction are : liquefying temperature 90 ℃, pH 5.5 , liquefying time 3 h , liquefying enzyme added 0.035 g / 100 g corn meal ;
Purification of monoclonal antibody B-S12 from mouse ascites by strong anion exchange liquid chromatography
The result shows that the Farinograph characteristics of the processed cornmeal from corn immersed in solution with glucose oxidase of 80mg / kg at 25 ℃ for 6 h is improved .
The method was used to determine trace cobalt in VB_ ( 12 ), wheat flour , corn flour and person urine samples with satisfactory results .
While the optimum working conditions found for saccharification are : saccharifying temperature 58 ℃, pH 4.5 , saccharifying time 2.5 h , saccharifying enzyme added 0.3 g / 100 g corn meal .
And on the medium of maize flour agar , it grew slowly and produced conidia after 27 days incubated .
The extrusion performance of DS-32 twin-extruder is studied by using the mixture of maize and wheat powder .
After 25d fermentation at 25 ℃ in the com meal medium that was added 15 % soybean meal , the degradation rate of starch reached 65.20 % ;
After that the orthogonal tests were done . Eventually the optimal conditions were determined : the corn flour and bean flour medium , 30 ℃, pH 9,120h .
The optimum conditions for the of by when Mucor mucedo was incubated in the corn meal medium at 30 ℃ and , initial pH 6 for 96 h the maximum Camptothecin transformation was obtained , in which the of Camptothecin concentration is 150 μ g / mL.
The best medium for fermentation was set by orthogonal test : glucose 4 % , corn starch 4 % , peptone 0.4 % , bran 6 % ,( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 0.2 % , MgSO_4 · 7H_2O 0.05 % and KH_2PO_4 0.1 % .
Also , comparing with saccharified liquid of cassava starch , the fermentative time was shorter , residual sugar decreased faster and yield of glycerol was lower with saccharified liquid of corn meal as a fermentative material .