
  • 网络A burrito;corn pancake;McSkillet Burrito
  1. 墨西哥人打开饭盒看到玉米煎饼也跳了楼,金发人打开饭盒看到大腊肠也跳楼自杀了。

    The Mexican opens his lunch , sees a burrito and jumps too , the blonde opens his lunch , sees the bologna and jumps to his death also .

  2. 我想要墨西哥玉米煎饼和百事可乐。

    I want to have the burrito and Pepsi .

  3. 墨西哥人打开饭盒说:“又是玉米煎饼。下次如果还是玉米煎饼,我也跳下去。”

    The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed , " burritos again ! If I get burritos one more time I 'm going to jump off , too . "

  4. 去年,苹果公司宣布在最新9.1版本系统中加入了墨西哥卷饼和玉米煎饼的emoji表情符号。这让众多苹果用户喜出望外。

    Apple users were ecstatic to learn that the taco and burrito emojis were included in the 9.1 update last year .

  5. 迈克尔将冻玉米煎饼放进微波炉。

    Michael put a frozen burrito into the microwave .

  6. 牛肉馅的墨西哥玉米煎饼。

    a burrito with a beef filling .

  7. 他将玉米煎饼拿出。

    He took out the burrito .

  8. 纽约州的官员们被迫就墨西哥玉米煎饼的税收地位做出决定。

    Officials in New York state have been obliged to rule on the tax status of burritos .

  9. 比如这块巨大的汉堡,芝士玉米煎饼,草莓酥饼,捕捉到的瞬间永恒勾起人们对于食物的欲望。

    That megaburger , the cheesy burrito , the strawberry shortcake , captured forever as an object of desire .

  10. 如果我是你,我会放下玉米煎饼,爬上梯子。

    Well , if I were you , I 'd put down the burrito and get up that ladder .

  11. 一项新研究表明营养成分标签并不会扼杀人们想吃玉米煎饼的念头。

    And a new study shows that a little thing like a nutrition label is not gonna stop us when we want a breakfast burrito .

  12. 玉米微粉煎饼的研制

    Development of pancake of corn tiny powder

  13. 以玉米为原料,通过正交试验探讨了制作玉米微粉煎饼的工艺和参数。并确定了配方。

    The experiment used corn as major material , applied an orthogonal test to find parameters and the proper technology of making the pancake of corn tiny powder , and optimized the formula .