- basalt

On Skye 's Trotternish Peninsula , basalt pinnacles loom over the Sound of Raasay .
N-type Oceanic Ridge Basalt had been not found in the Garg ê - Litang Ophiolite M é lange Zone in the past 30 years .
Determination of K-Ar Ages on Some Young Basalts by IDMS
Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from anhui , jiangsu and Shandong Provinces
High_Ti and low_Ti basalts ;
The REE of breccia biotite schist represents feature of oceanic tholeiite .
Au ( Cu , Ni , Cr ) subseries related to Na-rich and high-alkaline basalt and tholeiite of paleozoic arc island (ⅱ);
Study on the property and mechanism of basalt fibers modified by the sizing containing nano-SiO_2
It is proposed that the components for the minerals ( Si , Mg , Al ) were supplied by shallow groundwater that is from surrounding basalt .
Revision and supplement on mno-tio_2-p_2o_5 discriminant diagram of basaltic rocks
Discovery of cyclic stria on the surface of columnar joints in Cenozoic basalts in eastern Zhejiang and its significance
Comparing with the typical basalts in the world , the Kangxiwar basalt characterized by enrichment of incompatible elements , including Zr , U and Th .
K-Ar dating of Mariana Trough basalts and its significance
Through calculating analysis , the unit apparent activation energy and the pre-exponential constant in the temperature range of 25 ° C ~ 145 ° C of heavy slag , basalt , limestone granite , gneiss were obtained .
The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .
The component derived from the subducting makes a contribution of at most 20 % , that results in the intensive enrichment of Pb in the basalts in the Trough .
Tholeiite has a zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of 352 Ma , suggesting that the formation of the ophiolites may have continued till the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous .
The three types of rocks in the orefield are relatively rich in Na and the main samples plot in the area of alkali basalt in the geochemical classification diagram .
The most common elements are close to basalt 's in Rocks of containing ore , but SiO 2 is lower and TiO 2 , CO 2 and alkalinity are higher .
The Fe and Mn elements in the plantation soil are closely correlated to the efficiency of P element , and the soil Mn has greater fixation effect on P under the condition of reduction .
At space , the content of potassium oxide ( K_2O ) is as many as that of the basalt of Japan Sea rift belt , but is much higher than that of Japan Island arc .
The cover-layer construction for Jing-Shi expressway applying polyester fiber concrete , SBS modified asphalt and basalt , can prevent effectively the disease of pavement , and is worth being popularized .
Compared with the dominant tholeiites the alkaline volcanics from Dongchuan district are less enriched in LREE , probably resulting from earlier melting events in their source .
The clinopyroxene contains rich Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ), FeO and TiO_ ( 2 ) which is equivalent to the clinopyroxene giant crystal in Cenozoic basalt in eastern China .
The basalt in the north zone belongs to the alkaline basalt series , enriched in Rb , Th , Ta and Nb , showing that its characteristics are consistent with those of oceanic island basalt .
Nb - enriched basalts are characterized by relatively higher TiO2 contents , lower LILE / HFSE and LREE / HFSE , and ( La / Nb ) MN < 2.They are typical productions of island arc environment .
In contrast , the less abundant HT and LT2 basalts may imply a weakening of the influence of the mantle plume activity .
For the basic lavas with subduction-type signatures , we can judge whether they are really island-arc or active continental margin basalts by studying Zr contents and Zr / Y ratios or Zr / Y-Zr diagram .
The study of geochemistry indicates that these metabasic volcanic rocks are characterized with N-type MORB ( mid-ocean ridge basalt ) .
The crystal structure of the basalt and basalt fiber were analyzed by X-ray diffraction spectrometer , the results indicated that the basalt was crystal structure . But after melting and drawing , the basalt fiber became non-crystal structure and character with short-range order and long-range disorder .