- leaching

[leaching] 也称淋溶。指水连同悬浮或溶解于其中的土壤表层物质向地下周围渗透
Removal of Cr and Cu from the Sewage Sludge by Using the Chemical Leaching
This may be due to preferential leaching of light carbon isotope ( 12C ) out of carbonate sediments by hydrothermal fluids .
Experimental research on function of oxalic acid in leaching of fe , cu , pb , Zn in sedimentary strata
After 8 days of bioleaching , 93 % of Cu and 85 % of Zn could be removed from the sludge .
Study on the BR and Rb distribution change of complete leaching dissolution process of carnallite
It is proposed that the components for the minerals ( Si , Mg , Al ) were supplied by shallow groundwater that is from surrounding basalt .
Acidic leaching is regarded as a major factor affecting REE enrichment and differentiation in the weathering profile .
Leachate recirculation can make concentration of COD 、 NH_4 ~ + , etc indexes very high in short periods .
Thallium in slag has distinct release ability under natural leaching and was affected by its forms and some conditions ( such as pH , temperature and components of slag );
Results showed that Cr removal of 100 % could be obtained after 8 days of bioleaching .
Utilizing infiltration experiment of soil column , the results show that environmental capacity of Cr and As in loessial soil is 95.9kg/ha and 12.6kg/ha .
Cr removal rate could reach above 95 % after 8 days of leaching treatment of different Cr concentrations .
Pot experiments were carried out to determine the dynamic changes of pH and water-soluble silicon concentrations of soil leaching solutions in different growth stages of rice after application of slag to paddy soil .
There are many aspects for the influence of PAHs in the suspended PM from the coal combustion or the coal carbonization on circumstance .
It has clear hydrothermal alteration and oxidation leach enrichment , which is mainly controlled by the NW fault fracture zone .
The enrichment and differentiation of REE in granitoid rocks during weathering-leaching processes , may lead to the formation of a natural continuous ion-chromatographic column .
The influence of leachate on the settlement of Municipal Solid Wastes ( MSW ) is studied according to the laboratory test designed by author .
The influence of soaking time , granularity of slag , quantity of slag , volume of water equipment on the concentration and quantity of Cr ( VI ) in the leachate are studied respectively in the experiments .
The influence of sludge concentration of 2 % ~ 10 % solid containing rate on removal effect of heavy metal Cr from tannery sludge by bioleaching technique was studied adopting cultivation with order-batch type shaking bed .
Dynamics of pH , electric conductivity , Ca ~ ( 2 + ), Mg ~ ( 2 + ) and carbonic anhydrase ( CA ) activity on the leaching process is investigated under different microbial treatment in calcareous soil systems .
This was caused by burial and leaching of meteoric water . Low contents of Sr and δ 18O values were caused mainly by leaching of meteoric water .
The results showed that the leachate pH of big spherical coated controlled-release fertilizer was significantly higher than that of the soluble fertilizer , but there was no significant difference with no fertilizer control and the other two kinds of controlled-release fertilizer treatments .
Rain and fog play a significant role in leaching the PAHs existing in the atmosphere , and this leaching is mainly through the dissolution of gaseous PAHs or the adsorption of particulate PAHs .
The leaching characteristics of trace elements for bottom ash and fly ash in sulfuric acid for 60 hours were examined .
Determination of U , Th and Tl in Fourteen Chinese Traditional Medicines by Microwave Digestion-ICP-MS The Migration and Release Behaviors of Thallium in the Sulfuric Acid Slag in the Process of Natural Leaching
The Cu the content of which is higher in tailings eluviated and transfered less . The transferring ability of Pb and Hg in soil was biggish , and most of them eluviated , so attention should be paid to that Pb and Hg may cause groundwater contamination .
It is concluded that oil field brines can be effective carriers of metal elements and can effectively enhance the leaching , dissolving and transporting effects of gold , silver , lead and zinc in an oil - and gas-bearing basin and can attend actively ore deposition of sedimentary-reworked deposits .
Leaching experiments of gold in greenstone were carried out with chloride solutions at temperatures of 200 to 550 ℃ and a pressure of 60 MPa .
The field sampling analysis indicated that the liquid phase among landfill waste has relatively minor effect on the local underground water quality . The project will still have sound osmotic proof performance after 10 a of operation .
The second is the constructive diagenesis are high quality reservoir and favorable distribution region of large oil-gas fields such as secondary corrosion facies , dolomite lithification facies , weathering leaching facies , chlorite thin film cementation facies and TSR facies ;