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zhū zōng
  • bristles;hog bristles
猪鬃 [zhū zōng]
  • [hog bristles;bristles] 猪脖子沿脊柱向上所长的长而硬的毛,用于制刷

猪鬃[zhū zōng]
  1. 我今天来访的目的是想听取你方对猪鬃的报盘。

    A : I 've come about your offer for bristles .

  2. 在某些用途方面,几乎没有东西可以代替猪鬃。

    B : There 's practically no substitute for bristles for certain uses .

  3. 此人是来自朱利安·法莱尔康复沙龙与水疗(JulienFarelRestoreSalon&Spa)的杰克逊·西蒙德斯(JacksonSimmonds),他的珑骧(Longchamp)大包里装着电卷发器、吹风机和猪鬃发刷,用来给刚刚生产完的叶女士打理发型。

    Jackson Simmonds from the Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa was also there , with a curling iron , hair dryer and boar bristle hairbrushes in his Longchamp tote . They were his tools to style Ms. Yip 's hair immediately after delivery .

  4. 因此,猪鬃产业相对其他产业具有相当的产品价格优势。

    Bristle industry has a considerable price advantage relative to other industries .

  5. 清末民国洋行对四川猪鬃业的开发与经营

    Sichuan Bristle Development in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

  6. 第三是四川猪鬃产业具有产品价格优势。

    Thirdly , Sichuan bristle has a price advantage .

  7. 小而无翅的昆虫,有象猪鬃一样的尾巴。

    Small wingless insect with a long bristlelike tail .

  8. GB/T8215-1987出口猪鬃检验方法

    The method of inspection for export bristles

  9. 其他的蚂蚁则在其脚部粘上猪鬃,做成高跷。

    Others were fitted with stilts in the form of pig-bristles glued to their feet .

  10. 羽毛、猪鬃、皮毛、木尘对工人健康影响的比较

    Comparative Effect of Feather , Animal Hair and Wood Dusts on Health of the Workers Exposed

  11. 尽管人造制品价格便宜,但对天然猪鬃的需求还在不断增长,原因就在这里。

    That 's why demand for natual bristles kee rising in ite of cheaper synthetic ones .

  12. 染色猪鬃的化学褪色方法

    Chemical fading method of coloring bristles

  13. GB/T8212-1987出口染黑猪鬃

    Black dyed bristles for export

  14. GB/T8213-1987出口漂白猪鬃

    Bleached white bristles for export

  15. 你很了解,近月来猪鬃市场涨得很多。

    You know very well that market for bristles has gone up a great deal in recent months .

  16. GB/T8214-1987出口水煮猪鬃

    Boiled bristles for export

  17. 猪鬃、猪嘴、猪眼和猪耳被录入扫描仪和软件,将这些特性绘制出来。

    Scanners and software take in the bristles , the snout , the eyes and ears . The features are mapped .

  18. 在你进入浴室之前,先用硬猪鬃毛梳从前往后梳你的头发。

    Before you even step into the shower , brush your hair from front to back with a stiff boar-bristle brush .

  19. 四川是国内最重要的猪鬃产地,川产猪鬃以其品质优越、数量众多在国际市场上获得了良好的声誉。

    Sichuan is the most important origin of bristles . Because of the superior quality , Sichuan bristle got the good reputation in the international market .

  20. 中等到偏长的头发可以使用猪鬃发刷。但是如果头发非常短,可能不需要发刷。

    Use a padded paddle brush for medium to long hair , but if you have very short hair , you may not need a brush .

  21. 他们有头和声音和猪鬃和猪的身体,因此他们被圈起来了哭泣。

    They had the head and voice and bristles and body of swine but their minds remained unchanged as before , so they were penned there weeping .

  22. 其二是四川猪鬃产业虽然大多数是小本经营,但也有不同的融资渠道;也有大型的猪鬃加工企业,其资本雄厚,与银行、外资合作密切,资金循环程度较高。

    The second is that the bristle industry in Sichuan capital operation , well-capitalized large bristle processing enterprises in close cooperation with banks , foreign funding cycle higher degree .

  23. 同时,猪鬃体积小、价值高,单位运输成本带来的收益也高于其他出口物资。

    At the same time , the small size of the bristles , high-value , and the unit transportation cost benefits are also higher than that of other export goods .

  24. 第四是四川猪鬃有着良好产业发展优势,其一是四川猪鬃产业市场构成完善,分工明确,交易程序分明,行业规则明确。

    Lastly , Sichuan bristles with good industrial development advantages , one is Sichuan the bristles industry market constitute a perfect , clear division of labor , industry rules are clear .

  25. 沐浴刷,木刷,鞋刷,清洁刷,指甲刷,按摩刷,猪鬃刷,浮石刷,植毛刷,清洗刷,按摩器,按摩梳,刷子,日用刷,沐浴用品。

    The brush , Bathes brushes , the massage brushes , the shoe brush , washes the hand scrubber , brushes cleanly , the wood brushes , the pig long neck hair brushes .

  26. 其三是在猪鬃产业发展的过程中,政府、行业内部和民间一直在努力提高产业内部的技术含量,包括猪种养殖技术和猪鬃加工技术。

    Third , in the process of the industrial development of the bristle , the Government , within the industry and civil society has been working to improve the technical content within the industry .

  27. 工业革命后,由于西方机器工业迅猛发展,人类生活进步和战争军备之需要,猪鬃的重要性日益显现。

    After the Industrial Revolution , due to the rapid development of machine industry , the progress of human life and the needs of war armaments , the importance of the bristles become increasingly apparent .

  28. 牧羊人和养牛人的劳动,就皮毛、角、猪鬃和马鬃等等而言,也是如此。我今天来访的目的是想听取你方对猪鬃的报盘。

    Of the shepherd and the cattle-breeder , in respect of wool , hides , horn , bristles , horse-hair , and the like . A : I 've come about your offer for bristles .