
zhū jiǎo
  • pig's feet
  1. 那是只猪脚,我参加葬礼去了。

    Pig 's feet . I was at a funeral .

  2. 猪脚或羊排和你我的骨头没有多大区别。

    Pig 's feet or sheep ribs are not much different from yours or mine .

  3. 最后,这场事故的猪脚是一只猪。

    Finally , the hero of this accident was a pig .

  4. 烤猪脚是一道有名的德国菜。

    One famous dish from Germany is roasted pork knuckle .

  5. 如果你还想继续喂奶,母亲可以吃八爪鱼煲猪脚。

    If you would like to continue breast-feeding mothers can eat pig octopus pot .

  6. 她还说,不管怎样,谁会看猪脚跳的舞呢?

    Plus , she said , who wants to see my big ass dancing , anyhow ?

  7. 东里猪脚饭选用优质泰国香米煮饭,饭软滑而富于弹性、入口香气四溢。

    East Village pig selection of high-quality Thai rice cooking rice , rice and Ruanhua flexible , aroma entrance to overflowing .

  8. 其他的猪肉大餐也在全球各地流行,比如瑞典人吃猪脚;德国人吃猪脚和香肠。

    Different pork dishes such as pig 's feet are enjoyed in Sweden while Germans feast on roast pork and sausages .

  9. “红脖子运动会”的著名项目有扔马桶盖、叼猪脚和木笼漂流。

    Games include throwing away toilet seats , grapping a frozen pig foot by mouth and jumping into the wooden cage to play drift .

  10. 东里的猪脚饭至上世纪80年代初才走上规模化经营之路,正式登上大雅之堂。

    East of pig meal in the supremacy of the early1980s to embark on large-scale operation of the road , the official Taiyazhitang board .

  11. 叶轮与魁北克一家主要加工猪脚的公司协作,并且计划在北方开一个新的屠宰场与纳多竞争。

    Westco teamed up with the Quebec-based Olymel in2008 , and the companies plan to open a slaughterhouse in the north to compete with Nadeau .

  12. 上赛季的并列金靴成为了一些转会流言的男猪脚,但还是决定留下为自己而战。

    Last season 's joint-Golden Boot winner has been the subject of a couple of enquiries but is staying at Old Trafford to fight for his place .

  13. 比如我吃到的开胃菜中就有英国血肠配猪脚和金枪鱼刺身蘸柚子醋,更不必说番茄沙拉搭配意大利布拉塔奶酪。

    So while the starters I encountered included a pig 's trotter with black pudding for the Anglophile , there was also tuna tataki with ponzu dressing , not to mention a tomato salad with Italian burrata cheese .