
tè yuē jì zhě
  • stringer;special correspondent
  1. 他做《纽约先驱报》的当地特约记者来赚些外快。

    He picked up extra money as a local stringer for the New York Herald .

  2. 环球时报特约记者柯西报道无论是对时尚品牌的选择,还是在穿衣风格上的创新,美国“第一夫人”米歇尔·奥巴马都是位勇敢而精明的冒险家。

    Global Times special correspondent reported that US first-lady Michelle is a brave and canny adventurer in terms of choosing fashion brand or innovation of clothes style .

  3. 为了解更多有关中国航班遭遇威胁的详情,今天我们特地连线纽约特约记者nathanking。

    For more on that Air China flight , we are joined on the line by our correspondent Nathan king in New York .

  4. 皮肤面板和特约记者到达的钢铁供应公司托盘。

    Skin panels and stringers arrive from the steel supply company on a pallet .

  5. 本刊特约记者中国银行驻新加坡分行的林沛先生就新加坡实行存款保险计划的情况为我们做了详尽的介绍。

    The reporter has introduced the plan of the deposit insurance in Singapore to us .

  6. 但仍然有制作人,新闻媒体兼职或特约记者们正在竭尽自己所能,

    There are still producers , stringers and reporters , and they 're doing their best ,

  7. 迈克尔杰克逊的儿子普林斯迈克尔走上了一条他已故父亲所熟知的路,担任《今夜娱乐》的特约记者。

    Michael Jackson 's son , Prince Michael , stepped into a world his late father knew well , becoming a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight .

  8. 取代那些松散合同关系的特约记者人,媒体公司将提供一种标准的合作,面对报道突发信息任何人。

    Instead of having a few stringers on a loose contract , media firms will have a standardized deal that applies to anyone who covers fast-breaking news .

  9. 21世纪在线特约记者,汕头大学美国大选报道团成员高文欢采访了芝加哥全球事务委员会主席波顿。

    Gao Wenhuan , 21st Century Online 's special correspondent , member of Shantou University US election reporting team , interviewed Marshall M.Bouton , president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs .