
  1. 本文介绍一特殊陶瓷件的加工工作台,该陶瓷件是医疗器械中的高精度特殊零件,CT机中的关键工件。

    This article describes the processing of a special ceramic piece table , the ceramic pieces of medical equipment in a special high-precision part , CT machine key artifacts .

  2. 它是利用激光技术从物理的或化学的角度制备特殊陶瓷材料和满足陶瓷材料的特殊加工条件。

    The laser processing technology is used to make some special ceramic materials physically or chemically , and meets some special processing conditions for ceramic materials .

  3. 磨刀器部分采用超耐磨的特殊陶瓷材料,从而将较钝的刀锋快速修正成型以及提高刀刃的质量。

    The whetting part is made of super durable special ceramic materials , that help to shape the dull blade quickly and improve the knife 's quality .

  4. 以环氧改性有机硅树脂作为成膜物质,并以玻璃体二氧化硅材料、特殊陶瓷材料、磷酸锌、纤维材料为填料,制成保温隔热防腐涂料。

    A heat insulation and anti-corrosive coatings is prepared from epoxy-silicone resin as film-forming substance and silicon dioxide of vitreous body , special ceramics , zinc phosphate and fibers as fillers .

  5. 试验结果对特殊工况下陶瓷球轴承的设计和应用具有参考价值。

    The results in the present work might be used to guide the design and application of hybrid ceramic ball bearing at special working condition .

  6. 除了陶瓷的文化性特殊之处,陶瓷还具有传统文化的核心竞争优势,因此陶瓷业应是我们的优势产业。

    In addition to the special ceramic culture , ceramics also have the core of competitive advantages in Chinese traditional culture , therefore ceramics industry should be our advantages .

  7. 特殊添加剂复相陶瓷刀具材料的研究

    Study on an advanced composite ceramic cutting tool material with special additives

  8. 景德镇的优秀匠人们结合特殊的地理环境,特殊的制瓷技艺以及特殊的工具,共同构成了景德镇特殊的陶瓷文化。

    Combination of excellent artisans of Jingdezhen special geographical environment , special skills and special tools for porcelain , together constitute a special Jingdezhen ceramics culture .