
  • 网络special safeguards
  1. 特别防卫权探析

    Probe in to the right of special protection

  2. 我国正当防卫制度是一般防卫与特别防卫制度的结合。

    The system of self-defense of China is the combination of general defense and especial defense .

  3. 关于特别防卫权的思考

    Special Justifiable Defense Right

  4. 北韩警告一旦因核试验受到制裁,将会采取“特别防卫措施”。

    North Korea has warned of what it calls " additional defensive measures ," if it is sanctioned for its recent nuclear test .

  5. 特殊防卫,也称特别防卫,是指公民在某些特定的情况下所实施的正当防卫行为,没有必要限度的限制,对其防卫行为的任何后果均不负刑事责任的情形。

    Special defense , also known as " special defense ", refers to the implementation of self-defense behavior of citizens in certain circumstances , no need to limit the restrictions and not criminal liability situation for any consequences of their defensive behavior .