
tè bié chénɡ xù
  • special procedure
  1. 民事诉讼特别程序研究

    Studies on the Special Procedure of Civil Litigation

  2. 本条例对任何条例所规定的特别程序并无影响。

    Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect any special procedure provided in any ordinance .

  3. 存在特别程序用以提交修订CPT的提案,增补或者删除一个编码,或者修改现用的术语。

    Specific procedures exist for addressing suggestions to revise CPT , adding or deleting a code , or modifying existing nomenclature .

  4. 我国刑事特别程序之取舍&从诉讼效率的角度

    Choice of Special Criminal Procedure & From Aspect of Efficiency

  5. 建立我国经济诉讼特别程序的思考

    Thoughts on Creating Special Procedures for China 's Economic Lawsuits

  6. 浅析《海事诉讼特别程序法》中的对物诉讼制度

    An Analysis of Action in Rem in Maritime Procedure Law

  7. 第四部分,是对完善我国未成年人刑事诉讼特别程序的建议。

    The fourth part is a juvenile criminal proceedings improve our special procedures .

  8. 第一部分,民事特别程序的概念,阐述了民事诉讼特别程序的一般理论。

    The first chapter is about civil special procedure .

  9. 对我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》第97条的理解与适用

    Understanding and Application of Article 97 of MPL

  10. 第十五章特别程序第一节一般规定

    Chapter XV Special Procedure Section 1 General Provisions

  11. 其次,设置一些包括回避程序在内的特别程序;

    I think it is necessary to regulate some special system including the obviation procedure .

  12. 能履行质量管理体系或质量特别程序要求的能力。

    COMPLIANCE The fulfilment of a Quality Management System or quality procedure of specified requirements .

  13. 从民事特别程序的实施现状谈司法权威的缺失与确立

    The lack of judicial authority and its establishment from present situation of civil special procedure

  14. 浅析我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》对证据的庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度的规定海底争端分庭的程序

    On the Pre-trial Statement and Pre-trial Testimony System ; Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber

  15. 写作本文最终目的在于希望特别程序能够发挥它该有的功能。

    The ultimate goal of writing this paper is hope the special procedures can play its proper functions .

  16. 第十五章特别程序

    CHAPTER XV Special Procedure

  17. 太多的公司依靠手工方法和特别程序来编译代码和生成软件发布版本。

    Too many companies rely on manual processes and ad hoc procedures for compiling code and creating software distributions .

  18. 《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》两种英译本评析

    Comments on the Two English Versions of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China

  19. 中国《海事诉讼特别程序法》是《民事诉讼法》的特别法。

    The Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China is the special law of Civil Procedure Law .

  20. 第三章介绍了未成年人刑事诉讼特别程序的理论基础,探讨了西方国家未成年人诉讼程序的法理渊源,提出现代刑事法理论的发展是这一特殊程序产生的主要理论依据。

    The third chapter describes the theoretical basis for juvenile criminal proceeding and studies its legal origin in Western countries .

  21. 因为他的前面是一个铺垫的,要购买中国股票的考虑一些特别程序。

    Because he is in front of a foreshadowing of that to buy Chinese stocks take some of the special procedures .

  22. 对未成年人的保护与对未成年人犯罪的打击仍然是未成年刑事诉讼特别程序的双重目的。

    The protection of the young and the fight against juvenile crime is still the dual purposes of the special procedures .

  23. 刑事特别程序是当今刑事诉讼制度建构中的一种发展趋势,它实现了诉讼效率的价值目标。

    Special criminal procedure becomes trend in development of criminal procedure legal system , and realized the procedure value of efficiency .

  24. 为了使得预约定价制能够更适合小企业纳税人,美国和加拿大先后颁布了特别程序。

    The purpose of special procedures for small business taxpayers ( SBT ) is to improve access to the APA Program .

  25. 主要从规范层面和实践层面提出了对特别程序未来的发展与完善进一步构想。

    Mainly from the normative and practical level presented to the special procedures for further development and improvement of the future vision .

  26. 中国控辩协商制度研究&刑事诉讼特别程序之探讨

    A Study on the Negotiation System of Prosecution and Defence in China & A Study on the Special Procedure of Criminal Prosecution

  27. 在英美法系,按特别程序审理身份关系方面案件的程序源远流长,与普通法和衡平法诉讼程序并行发展。

    The special procedure concerning the identity relation has a long history and develops with the procedure of common law and even law .

  28. 民事公益诉讼的立法应在现行民事诉讼制度基础上作为独立的一章列出来,规定在普通程序之后,特别程序之前。

    Civil public interests litigation ' legislation should list as an independent chapter , after the ordinary procedure , before the special procedure .

  29. 《民事诉讼法》也没有建立真正意义上的非讼程序制度,仅仅规定一部分与非讼程序相近的特别程序。

    It also has not established the real non-litigation procedure and just formulated some special procedures which is similar with the non-litigation procedure .

  30. 船舶扣押的法律思考&兼评我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》的有关规定

    Some Legal Consideration of the Seizure of Ships & On some relevant articles in " Special Procedure of Admiralty Proceedings " in China