
  • 网络trent;Trent University
  1. 特伦特队长给了他的下属详细的指示。

    Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing .

  2. 我有一个在SimpleDollar工作的朋友,他叫特伦特。他每周都从开支中留出20美元并存到一个固定的账户。

    I got this idea from my friend Trent at The Simple Dollar , who automatically deducts $ 20 a week from his checking to savings .

  3. 来自英国特伦特河畔斯托克市康布里其区DIS窑炉公司的工程师对该窑炉设计进行了一些改造,并随同新间歇窑安装一并完成。

    Engineers from DIS Kilns of Cobridge , Stoke-on-Trent , UK , designed changes to the kiln , to be implemented along with the installation of the new periodic .

  4. 也没有人会去核实你是否曾给迈克・赫克比(MikeHuckabee)做实习生,或是小时候与特伦特・雷泽诺(TrentReznor)住在同一个社区。

    Nor is anyone likely to check if you say that you once worked as an intern for Mike Huckabee or grew up in the same neighborhood as Trent Reznor .

  5. 罗尔斯罗伊斯表示:“已投用的特伦特900发动机(trent900)体积较小,也相对较新,公司认为,为谨慎起见,建议对发动机进行一些基本的预防性检查。”

    Rolls-Royce said : " the in-service fleet of Trent 900 engines is small and relatively new , and the group feels that it is prudent to recommend that a number of basic precautionary engine checks are performed . "

  6. 本文作者为历史学家、英国中特伦特河畔斯托克选区工党议员

    The writer is a historian and Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central

  7. 优裕的生活不是特伦特这样活跃的人物所向往的。

    Easy street is no place for an active guy like Trent .

  8. 之所以一些动物非常聪明完全是拜特伦特所赐。

    Thus several intelligent animals owed their status to him ;

  9. 你来过我家,特伦特看到了�

    You came to my house . Trent saw you .

  10. 特伦特议员,你第一次遇到梅森斯托是什么时候?

    Assemblyman trent , when did you meet Mason storm ?

  11. 你们会剪掉那段吗特伦特它喷到哪了?

    Are you gonna cut that part out Trent where it sprays me ?

  12. 也许哪天你需要保姆,特伦特又得上班

    You won 't have a sitter , and Trent will be working ,

  13. 她被提名为特伦特河畔斯托克市的工党候选人。

    She was adopted as labour candidate for stoke-on-trent .

  14. 味浓的黑的英国浓啤酒(在德贝郡的伯顿和特伦特酿造)。

    A strong dark English ale ( brewed at Burton-on-Trent in Derbyshire ) .

  15. 特伦特参议员,我要把你带到银行去。

    I 'm going to take you to the bank , Senator trent .

  16. 人民的代表,弗农特伦特参议员,承诺不会再有新的税收。

    The people 's candidate , Senator Vernon trent , promises no new taxes .

  17. 我不会跟你谈,特伦特

    I 'm not gonna engage with you , Trent . I 'm not .

  18. 这还是我的案子,特伦特

    It 's still my case , Trent .

  19. 她今早要上庭,所以今天是她男朋友特伦特送我

    She had court this morning , so her boyfriend Trent is taking me .

  20. 别担心我,特伦特。

    Don 't worry about me , Trent .

  21. 这一大好消息对于诺丁汉特伦特大学的体育来说起了重大推进作用。

    This is excellent news and a massive boost for sport at Nottingham Trent University .

  22. 她的真名叫简特伦特。

    Her real name is Jane trent .

  23. 最近诺丁汉特伦特大学研究显示北京的天气可能改善了运动员的大脑能力。

    Recent Nottingham Trent University research revealed that Beijing weather could have improved athletes brains .

  24. 沃伦特伦特满意地咕噜了一声。

    Warren Trent gave a satisfied grunt .

  25. 该分录并不表明特伦特支付给退出合伙人的价格。

    The entry does not indicate the price paid by Trent to the retiring partner .

  26. 李准备以现金10美元的价格,把她的全部产权卖给特伦特。

    Lee arranges to sell her entire interest to Paul Trent for $ 10 cash .

  27. 问题33.作者对于一个13岁小孩特伦特·马圭尔说了些什么?

    Question 33 . What does the speaker say about Trent Maguire , a thirteen-year-old boy ?

  28. 从九月份起,特伦特河畔伯顿镇布兰斯顿的佩吉特高中将禁止女生穿任何款式的裙子。

    All skirts will be banned from September at Paget High School in Branston , Burton-upon-Trent .

  29. 如果特伦特是个混蛋,你为什么还和他在一起?

    You know , if Trent 's such a jerk , why do you hang out with him ?

  30. 该表是挪威卑尔根大学的心理学家和诺丁汉特伦特大学的同事共同设计的。

    The Scale was designed jointly by psychologists from Norway 's University of Bergen with colleagues from Nottingham Trent University .