- speciation

Polyploidization has played a very important role in plant evolution and speciation .
Host plants differentiation accelerates sympatric speciation .
These are due to different mechanism of the formation of the partial charged oxygen species on the surface of catalysts .
The results of UV-Vis spectra and radical scavenger influence indicated that the reaction might be underwent a radical mechanism .
The evolution analysis illustrated SOCS were clustered by different types which may produce SOCS gene families before speciation of insect .
Some species of the lichens distributed in the Kanas Nature Reserve have economic and medical value . AFLP analysis of genetic diversity of Apis cerana Fabricius distributed in different geographic areas in China
Our results suggest that these ephemeral and individual-specific rapid genomic changes , albeit interesting , probably have not played a major role in the speciation and evolution of common wheat , T. aestivum .
And the break of the bonds between Ru-Ru and the formation of atomic Ru were observed , which can partly explain the experimental facts that oxidizing reaction was accelerated after induction period as soon as oxidation species were formed .
A new species of the Lichen Genus OCHROLECHIA from China
Analysis of natural hybridization provides insights into the process of speciation .
Research on Triticum Agropyron form and species formation
Simple structures constructed by tropic generalists ;
It is suggested that the chromosomal structure varia-tion plays the most important role in speciation .
( of biological species or speciation ) occurring in the same or overlapping geographical areas .
( of biological species or speciation ) occurring in areas isolated geographically from one another .
Recent developments in speciation studies
Speciation in hydrothermal solutions ( mineral solubility determination , potentiometric and spectroscopic study of hydrothermal fluids );
The result indicated that speciation ofallopolyploid wheat induced rapid and extensive genetic and epigenetic changes in thegenome .
Whether speciation is achieved normally via genetic drift or natural selection is the subject of much ongoing discussion .
The processes for inheritance and evolution of species-specific sex pheromone communication are always a part of the process of speciation .
The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery .
A large number of studies have shown that habitat differences played a crucial role in the process of sympatric species .
Then , the niche technology which is based on the principle of speciation is introduced to solve the multi-modal optimization problem gradually .
This contributes to further differentiate closely related Daphnia species and is likely to be an example of allotropic speciation in aquatic systems ;
Pedicularis species provide ideal materials to study flower evolution , pollination biology , and plant speciation for their substantial variation in floral design .
Because a study in the October2nd issue of Nature suggests that how fishes see one another can drive the formation of new species .
The result of a molecular phylogenetic analysis is expressed in a phylogenetic tree , which is the base of revealing the mechanism of speciation .
Mutation and speciation have usually been evolved responses to the environment and competition , with natural selection determining which new traits become widely disseminated .
Detailed information about gene flow dynamics on adaptive evolution can help in understanding the underlining mechanisms and critical factors driving speciation and diversification in nature .
In this paper , we reviewed the research progresses of inheritance and evolution of sex pheromone communication system and discussed the role of pheromone communication system for speciation .