
  • 网络physical signal
  1. 在CVD金刚石生长系统的基础上设计开发了计算机控制系统,对金刚石生长过程中各物理信号进行监测与控制,实现了无人值守下金刚石的生长。

    A computer control system was developed on the basis of CVD diamond growth system . All the physical signals during the diamond growth were inspected and controlled , and the diamond growth without watcher was realized .

  2. 除细胞因子等化学信号外,细胞环境中还存在电磁等物理信号。

    However , some physical signals do exist in the cell microenvironment except chemical ones .

  3. GIS环境下地球物理信号的奇异值分解、多维分形特征与应用

    Geophysical signal decomposition by singular method and application in GIS

  4. 讨论了在SAW气体的传感器中把化学信号(气体浓度)转换成物理信号(SAW相速度变化)的机制以及将它们彼此分离开来的方法。

    The conversion mechanisms of a chemical signal ( gas concentration ) into a physical signal ( SAW phase velocity change ) in SAW gas sensors and the way to separate them are discussed .

  5. DNA传感器以DNA为敏感元件,通过换能器将DNA与DNA、DNA与RNA及DNA与其它有机无机离子之间的作用的生物学信号转变为可检测的光、电、声波等物理信号。

    DNA sensors use DNA as sensitive elements . With the energetic transducer , the interactions of DNA with DNA , RNA , drugs , and other ions can be transferred into electric , acoustic , optical information that can be detected .

  6. 基于科恩分布的地球物理信号的时频分析

    The time-frequency analysis of geophysical signals based on Cohen distributions

  7. 地球物理信号处理技术的研究及进展

    The Technology of Digital Signal Processing and Application in GPR

  8. 地球物理信号处理的进展和今后方向

    The development of geophysical signal processing and its future clue

  9. 广义指数分布及其在地球物理信号时频分析中的应用

    Time-frequency analysis with the generalized exponential distribution kernel and its application to geophysical signal processing

  10. 地球物理信号能量(密度)多维分形及应用

    Multi fractal and application of geophysical data

  11. 对于物理信号,再检测出危险信号后报警。

    For physical signal , when abnormal signal is detected the system will give an alarm .

  12. 实验证明,该算法从复杂物理信号中还原的数据值更加接近环境真实值。

    Experiment shows result shows the restored data from complex physical signal is closer to true environmental value .

  13. 在传统解决方案中,这两种策略在决策执行中仅仅考虑物理信号质量。

    In traditional solutions , the two strategies in decision-making merely consider the quality of the physical signal .

  14. 信号物包括化学信号和物理信号,其中前者占绝大多数,利用信号物控制昆虫行为可有效地保护资源。

    Agricultural and forest and other resources may be protected effectively through manipulating pests behaviors by utilizing these signals .

  15. 电磁场通常通过细胞膜将物理信号转化为生物信号,进而产生生物学效应。

    It is possible that electromagnetic field transfers physical signal into biological signal and result in the bio-effects by the cell membrane .

  16. 在地球物理信号数字处理中占有重要地位的全通滤波器,完全由其相移和群延迟决定。

    All pass filter , which is very important in geophysical signal processing , is completely determined by its phase shift and group delay .

  17. 基于钢桁架的特殊结构,通过对其受力区域的分析及各种检测方法和参数的合理选择,利用超声波对未焊透所产生的物理信号进行评定和检测是有效的方法。

    Analyzing the stressed area of steel truss framework and selecting reasonable testing methods and parameters were effective for testing incomplete penetration by ultrasonic signals .

  18. 借助上位机的强大的运算能力,运行仿真算法;负载与上位机通过串口通信,向上位机传输当前的控制信息,接收上位机发出当前的状态信息;控制器发给负载物理信号控制量。

    Upper computer runs simulation algorithm relied on strong arithmetic capability . Load communicates to upper computer with serial port , transmits current control messages , receive current state messages .

  19. 考虑到大地介质高度的非均质性和各向异性引起的地球物理信号的非线性,将这种神经网络应用到了地震资料处理之中。

    In consideration of the nonlinearity inherent in geophysical signals resulted from the high heterogeneity and anistropy of the earth medium , these models are used in processing multichannel seismic signals .

  20. 研究多维分形地球物理信号的能量或能量密度特征,可以进行时间或空间地球物理信号的校正、奇异性研究分析,或进行不同地球物理动力学过程的分解。

    It can be used in geophysical data correction , singularity study and filtering different dynamic geophysical processes by studying the energy and energy density of 1D series and 2D spatial fields .

  21. 二维数字滤波器做为一种典型的多维数字系统已经被广泛应用于图像处理,声纳信号处理,雷达信号处理,地球物理信号处理等诸多方面。

    As typical multi-dimensional digital systems , two-dimensional ( 2-D ) digital filters have been widely applied in image processing , sonar and radar signal processing , geophysical signal processing and so on .

  22. 结果表明,高阶统计量方法与宽度幅值特征滤波方法相似,而且效果更好,高阶统计量方法在地球物理信号分析中一定会得到更加广泛的应用。

    The results showed the high-order statistics method is similar to width amplitude character filtering method but has better results . The high-order statistics method can find wide application in geophysical signal analysis .

  23. 传感器是一类转换器,可选择性地将分析对象的信息(如酸度、浓度、粘度、化学或生物物种等)转变为分析仪器易测量的物理信号。

    Sensors are able to transform the information of the targets ( e.g. acid , concentration , viscosity , chemical or biological types ) into physical signals that can be measured by analytical instruments .

  24. 窗函数的衰减系数和采样间隔究竟对地球物理信号时频分辨率造成多大的影响,如何才能更好地消除这种影响,是该文的主要出发点。

    In this paper , it is described that the time-frequency resolution of geophysical signals is affected by the time window function attenuation coefficient and sampling interval and how such effects are eliminated effectively .

  25. 它在无线通信、图像处理、生物医学、语音处理、雷达、地球物理信号处理、财政金融预测等诸多领域都有广泛的应用前景,具有很高的实用性和研究价值。

    There are many applications of blind source separation such as wireless communications , image processing , biomedicine , speech processing , radar , geophysical signal processing , fiscal and financial forecasts and so on .

  26. 但是自然界中大多数物理信号却是模拟信号,因此,将模拟信号转化成数字信号是进行信号处理和分析的首要前提。

    As analog signals are the most physical signals in the nature , the conversation from analog signals to digital ones has been the most important step on the way of signal procession and analysis control .

  27. 信号采集分析系统输入信号一般是电或非电的物理信号,经过传感器转换成系统可接受的电信号后再经过调理电路转换成核心处理器可以处理的数字信号,实现对信号的分析显示。

    Electrical or non-electrical physical signal is the input data of signal acquisition analysis system First the input signal is conversed into the signal which system could accept , then conversed into digital signal through conditioning circuit , at last the digital signal is processed by core processor .

  28. 传统的离心泵监测系统只能对数据流量较小的物理信号进行处理,实时性较差,无法实现对目标设备运行状态的远程在线监测与控制,且难于进行数据存储与对比分析。

    Traditional centrifugal pump monitoring system only can process physical signal with little-quantity data flow , its real-time performance is very bad , can not realize the remote on-line monitoring and control for the object device , and is hard to finish the data comparison analysis by relative data stored .

  29. 基于FPGA的以太网物理层信号处理器的研究

    Research on Ethernet Physical Layer Processor Based on FPGA

  30. HFC接入网中CABLEModem物理层信号处理关键技术研究

    Research of Key Signal Processing Techniques on Physical Layer of Cable Modem in HFC Networks