
  1. 区域物流线路网络双层规划研究

    Two Level Programming Study on Regional Logistics Route Network

  2. 基于蚁群算法的危险品物流线路优化应用研究

    Ant Colony Algorithm Based on the Logistics of the Dangerous Goods Route Optimization Applied Research

  3. 我国的煤炭物流线路分布很复杂,铁路、水路、公路的选择相当的重要。

    Chinese coal logistics lines ' distribution is very complicated , railway , waterway and highway choice was quite important .

  4. 通过运输配送技术的创新,探寻合理化区域商品流通路径,优化区域物流线路网络结构;

    It can seek the pattern of sustained transport and optimize the network configuration of city logistics links by the innovation of distribution technology .

  5. 杭烟物流送货线路的划分模式与算法研究

    A Reseau-Dividing Algorithm for Distributing Products of Hangzhou Tobacco Company

  6. 物流配送线路多目标优化方法研究

    Study on the Multiobjective Optimization Methods for the Logistics Distribution Route Choice Problems

  7. 带时间窗约束的物流配送线路启发式算法

    Heuristics Algorithms of Physical Distribution with Time Windows

  8. 提高运输效率、优化物流配送线路成为了重要的问题。

    Improving transport efficiency and optimizing logistics and distribution routes have been becoming a critical problem .

  9. 然后利用带时间窗约束的物流配送线路启发式算法进行车次优化。

    After that , takes the heuristic algorithm of logistic distribution with the time window control to calculate way of distribution .

  10. 杭烟物流与送货线路优化

    Optimization of Logistics and Delivering Route in Hangzhou Tobacco Company Holly Smoke

  11. 车辆路径问题主要是通过优化物流配送中车辆线路从而降低运输成本,属于组合优化领域中著名的NP(Non-deterministicPolynomial,非确定多项式)问题。

    The vehicle routing problem is to reduce transportation costs by optimizing logistics distribution vehicle line , are well-known in the field of combinatorial optimization NP ( Non-Deterministic Polynomial , nondeterministic polynomial ) problem .

  12. 基于蚁群智能的物流配送系统车辆线路优化算法

    Vehicle routing algorithm optimization for logistics distribution system based on ant colony intelligence

  13. 将手机作为管理动态物流信息和查询线路的工具无疑是十分方便且高效的。

    Undoubtedly , it would be very convenient and efficient for us to use the mobile as a tool to manage dynamic logistic information and retrieve the traffic .

  14. 集合包含物流节点集和物流线路集两个基本组成要素,这两个基本组成要素又包含了很多的子要素,各个要素之间是相互联系和相互制约的关系。

    Nodes and lines are the two basic factors , which are consisted of many sub-facors . They contact and restrict each other . 2 .

  15. 城市物流节点是城市物流线路和物流通道的连接处,在整个城市物流系统中起着重要的衔接作用,影响着城市的经济发展、城市土地的合理利用以及城市交通运输功能的发挥。

    Urban logistics nodes , the junctions of urban logistics lines and logistics corridors , are playing an important connecting role in entire logistics system of city with great influence on urban economic development , proper use of urban land and fully functions of urban transportation .

  16. 物流规划中物流结点与线路间的关系。

    And relationship between logistics joint and lines in logistics plan .

  17. 在综合考虑物流网络的物流节点、运输线路容量、时间、成本等属性状态变化的基础上,对运输线路、物流节点及路径状态值进行变量综合计算。

    On the basis of comprehensive consideration of the changing attributes of logistics nodes , transport capacity of logistics network , time and cost , the transport routes , logistics node and path state are calculated with comprehensive variables .

  18. 本文以M钢铁公司为例,较详细研究了煤炭基地选择、水运一次中转、二次中转港口的选择、物流成本的测算及水运煤炭物流线路的设计。

    Taking M Iron & Steel Company as an example , the paper studies how to choose coal base , how to choose one time and two times water transport transit port , how to calculate logistics cost and how to design coal logistics line of water transport .

  19. 物流中心是物流系统网络中连接物流线路的结节之处,是物流系统的重要组成部分,是组织各种物流活动、完成物流功能、提供物流服务的重要场所。

    The logistics center is an important part in the logistics system network , it is a important place where the logistics activities are organized and services are provided .

  20. 物流系统的活动都是在物流节点和物流线路上进行的。

    All the logistics activities are on the logistics lines and nodes .

  21. 煤炭物流网络是由煤炭物流节点和煤炭物流的线路组成。

    The coal logistics network is made of coal logistics nodes and coal logistics lines .

  22. 对区域物流网络结构系统进行了解析,认为其由物流节点、物流线路、物流域面等要素构成。

    The regional logistics network structure system is considered to be made from logistics node , logistics line and logistics zone after analyzing it .

  23. 基于系统论和物流网络理论,提出物流基础设施网络是由物流节点集和物流线路集组成的集合。

    On the basis of system theory and logistics network theory , the dissertation advances logistics infrastructure network is an aggregate of nodes and lines .

  24. 模型和算法都是针对区域物流提出来的,有一定的创新性。(4)对区域物流网络线路优化的研究。

    Innovative models and algorithms are proposed for the reginal logistics only . ( 4 ) Studies of route optimization on the regional logistics network .

  25. 因此,本文主要从区域物流需求预测、区域物流网络层次划分、区域物流网络中心选址、区域物流网络线路优化四个方面对区域物流网络优化问题进行了研究。

    Therefore , this paper mainly studied the regional logistics network optimization problem in four aspects : the regional logistics demand forecasting , the regional logistics network-level division , the regional logistics network center location , the regional logistics network route optimization .

  26. 在区域物流网络构建中,提出了构建的系统基本思路和原则,就如何构建物流节点、线路、网络进行了分析。

    The basic idea and principles to construct regional logistics network is systematically put forward , and how to construct logistics nodes , lines and networks is analyzed .

  27. 物流网络的效率和效益直接取决于网络的拓扑结构以及网络中各物流节点和运输线路的流量分配情况。

    The efficiency and effectiveness of logistics network are directly dependent on the network topology and the allocation method of flow in logistics nodes and transportation lines of the network .

  28. 第二,在区域物流网络结构优化模型中,构建了基于节点成本的非严格轴辐式区域物流网络枢纽节点优化模型和基于节点成本的非严格轴辐式区域物流网络线路优化模型。

    Second , it is constructed that non-strict hub-and-spoke regional logistics network hub node optimization model and non-strict hub-and-spoke logistics network line optimization model with node costs .