
  1. 你如何解决物料处理您的业务问题?

    How do you solve material handling problems in your business ?

  2. 光刻机是半导体制造的核心装备,硅片传输机器人是其内部专用的自动物料处理设备,它的工作速度、定位精度、可靠性,使用洁净度等直接影响光刻工序中的生产效率和制造质量。

    Wafer handling robot is automated material handling equipment used in Lithography machine which is the core of semiconductor manufacturing equipment . Its working speed , positioning accuracy , reliability , cleanliness impact on the lithography process directly in the production efficiency and manufacturing quality .

  3. 掺入有机物料处理土壤有机P各组分含量均有所增加;

    The contents of organic phosphorus fractions in the treatments mixed with organic materials increased ;

  4. 胡敏酸的E4/E6在有机物料处理间变化规律不明显,但其值都大于CK,随培肥年限的增加,处于动态的变化。

    The ratio of E4 / E6 were no obvious difference in all organic manure treatments , but higher than that of CK , and kept dynamic changes .

  5. 介绍硬质PVC门窗异型材生产技术在物料处理自动化、共挤出技术、高速挤出技术、开发新型异型材及挤出模具设计制造中采用计算机技术等方面的发展趋势。

    The paper introduces production technique of hard PVC door and window profile , points out its developing trend is of using computer for automation of treating materials , co-extrusion technique , high-speed extrusion technique , developing new profile , designing and fabricating extrusion mould .

  6. 纳滤膜在工业废水和液体物料处理中的应用

    Application of NF Membranes in Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters and Process Streams

  7. 物料处理规程应能防止已辐射品与未辐射品的混淆。

    Materials handling procedures should prevent mix-up between irradiated and non-irradiated materials .

  8. 物料处理成本跃升为持续降低成本的关键因素。

    The cost of materials processing gradually emerged as the key factor which influenced the continuously cost reduction .

  9. 低成本高效地生产具有高附加值产品是低品位含锌物料处理的发展方向。

    The developmental direction of disposing low-grade zinc-bearing materials is that products with high added value are produced efficiently in low cost .

  10. 具有物料处理量大,磁选效率高,耗能低,易于维护等优点。

    The Magnetic Ore Separator has the advantages of high capacity processing , high-efficiency of magnetic separation , low consumption and easily maintenance .

  11. 筛分作业在散体物料处理工艺中具有极其重要的地位,筛面上细粒物料的透筛过程以概率论的原理为基础。

    Screening has a very important position in bulk material treatment and the screen-penetrating process of fine material is based on the probability theory .

  12. 堆肥设备包括物料处理、翻堆、反应器和除臭设备。

    Some kinds of composting equipment related to materials handling , turning , in vessel and scrubber , have been applied in many countries .

  13. 磁选是一种简单而有效的物料处理方法,能避免化学处理方法的药剂污染及成本过高的弊端。

    Magnetic separation is one kind of simple and effective material processing method , which can avoid the pollution caused by chemical method and has low cost .

  14. 特雷克斯公司是一个多元化的全球生产商,公司分四个产业部门运作:高空作业平台、建筑机械、起重设备及物料处理。

    Terex Corporation is a diversified global manufacturer operating in four business segments : Terex Aerial Work Platforms , Terex Construction , Terex Cranes , and Terex Materials Processing .

  15. 应用所得的数学模型,设计了操作费用目标函数和终湿含量、尾气温度、物料处理量辅助目标函数。

    Apply the mathematic model , design the target function of the work expense and the assistant target function of the final humidity quantity , caudal temperature and material disposal quantity .

  16. 但膜分离过程中,物料处理量大、易污染、使用价格昂贵等缺陷严重地阻碍了膜技术的推广和发展。

    But the popularization and development of the membrane technology is seriously hampered because of large quantity of materials handled , easy to polluted and use expensive , etc in membrane separation process .

  17. 在系统完成初期,对用户提出的物料处理修改意见进行讨论,决定采用通用业务平台实现对物料的权限控制,添加物料自由项。

    In the early finish of the system , discussed amendments customers proposed in the demonstration and decided to make use of the common business platform to realize the material authority and free terms .

  18. 本文通过利用草木犀等有机物料处理苏打盐渍土的一系列盆栽及淋盐模拟试验研究,对苏打盐渍土在有机物料作用下其物理性状的改变及其盐分迁移特点等进行了探讨。

    On the basis of Pot experiment and simulated salt removal test , the change of physical Property and the characteristics of salt removal in sodic-saline soil after treating with organic matter ( O. M. )

  19. 苯的单程转化率低,物料处理量大,操作费用高。

    The process has several ten-year production history , it is rightly mature and widely used , but it has defects as follows : ( 1 ) The per pass conversion of benzene was low , material process quantity is large and the operation cost is high .

  20. 高炉含锌铅粉尘和低品位氧化锌矿等低品位含锌物料处理工艺近些年来进展缓慢,其现有处理方法能耗大,只能生产低等级直接法氧化锌粉。

    The development of disposal technologies for low-grade zinc-bearing materials , blast furnace zinc-lead-bearing dust and low-grade zinc-oxide ore etc , is relatively slow in recent years . Using existing disposal methods , much energy is consumed and only low-grade zinc oxide by direct method is produced .

  21. 论文对Al2O3高达69.46%的含镍物料电炉处理时对炉渣性能的影响进行了研究。

    The effects of Ni bearing material with 69.46 % Al 2O 3 on viscosity of JiLin Nickel Company electro-furnace slag are researched .

  22. 在压力为20~30MPa、温度为308~323K的范围内,考察了萃取压力、萃取温度、流体流量和物料预处理方式等条件对出油率的影响。

    Under the condition of a pressure of 20 ~ 30MPa and a temperature of 308 ~ 323K , the influence of pressure , temperature , solvent mass flow rate and the method of pretreatment on the fraction of yield oil is investigated .

  23. 有色冶金工业含砷物料的处理及利用现状

    Review of As-containing Materials Treatment and Utilization in Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry

  24. 膳食纤维类物料粉碎处理工艺与装备的研究

    The Studies on Crushing-disposal Technics and Equipment of Dietary Fibre

  25. 反应物料后处理简单,氟溶剂和催化剂硫酸回收方便,可直接套用。

    The perfluorous solvents and catalyst sulfuric acid were recovered by simple phase separation and reused directly in next run .

  26. 该方法的关键是虚拟物料的处理、虚拟进料点的选择以及双塔联合校正。

    The key points of the method are the treatment of virtual feed , the selection of virtual feed points and combined correction of the said two columns .

  27. 不同有机物料各处理都不同程度的提高烤烟叶绿素的含量(除淀粉处理外),其中以蔗糖和腐殖酸处理表现较好;

    Different organic matters treatments ( except starch treatment ) could increase the content of leaves chlorophyll , sugar treatment and HA treatment were better among all treatments ;

  28. 272.7%和299.2%,而且叶片面积、百叶干重、叶片的叶绿素含量和净光合速率也都显著高于加入其他有机物料的处理,与对照存在极显著差异。

    Furthermore , leaf area , dry weight of 100 leaves , chlorophyll content in leaves and pure photosynthesis rates were significant higher than those treated with sawdust , sand and stillage .

  29. 水泥旋窑窑内物料温度图像处理

    Temperature Image Processing of the Clinker in Rotary Kiln

  30. 浸润剂配制过程主要包括物料的预处理、动态称重和投料控制。

    The production process of Soak-agent includes materials pre-processing , dynamic weighing and batching control .